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英语翻译"What used to be your house," she continued,"can be jack

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 11:38:58
"What used to be your house," she continued,"can be jack-screwed up a little bit and a good foundation put under it.I have inquired about that.Of course it would not have been proper to let you know that I was satisfied with the state of things,but I was satisfied,and there is no use of denying it.As soon as I got over my first scare after that house came down the hill,and had seen how everything might be arranged to suit all parties,I said to myself,`What the Lord has joined together,let not man put asunder,' and so,according to my belief,the strongest kind of jack-screws could not put these two houses asunder,any more than they could put you and Kitty asunder,now that you have agreed to take each other for each other's own." Jack Brandiger came to call that evening,and when he had heard what had happened he whistled a good deal."You are a funny kind of a fellow," said he."You go courting like a snail,with your house on your back!"
I think my friend was a little discomfited."Don't be discouraged,Jack," said I."You will get a good wife some of these days--that is,if you don't try to slide uphill to find her!"
她接着说:"可以用螺旋千斤顶把你以前的房子抬起来一点儿, 然后在底下铺一个好地基. 我已经开始找人咨询了. 当然啦, 可能不太合适跟你说我对目前的情况挺满意的, 但我确实是挺满意的, 不承认也没用. 你的房子从山上滑下来时, 我的确吃了一惊. 但是等心情一静下来, 看看大家如何适应这一切, 我就告诉自己:'天作之合, 世人难拆'. 我认为, 再厉害的千斤顶都分不开这两个房子, 也就更没法分开你和凯迪喽, 尤其是你俩又决定永结同心了."
杰克-布然迪格当晚来找我, 得知了事情的经过, 大呼小叫了好一阵子. 他对我说:"你真逗. 你就象蜗牛一样, 背着房子求婚!"
我觉得我这哥们儿话说得酸溜溜的, 就安慰道:"杰克, 别泄气嘛. 总有一天你会找到个好老婆, 当然, 你别为了找她就往山上滑呦!"