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英语翻译不要用翻译器,人工People say that being good at computer helps fo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/12 03:17:22
People say that being good at computer helps foreigners in the job market.New Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is a good example.He took office last Monday.In China ,Rudd is popularly known by his Chinese name,Lu Kewen.He is the first Western leader who can speak Chinese.“ China is becoming one of the world's superpowers.I think few Australian politicians know more about that than me,” said Rudd during the Australian election.Rudd's love for China began when he was 10.His mother gave him a book on the world's oldest countries.He loved the beautiful pictures of the country.In university,he chose Chinese history as his major and studied almost everything about China .After school he joined the Australian Foreign Office and worked 2 years in Beijing .“I went to China with my wife and daughter.We have a special love for Beijing ,for its people and culture,” Rudd once told Chinese President Hu Jintao.He 5 the president with his language skills when Hu paid a visit to Australia in September.The two became friends and Hu even asked Rudd and his family to come and see the 2008 Beijing Olympics.Rudd said his family members are also Chinese fans.“This year,our daughter married a Chinese Hong Konger.My oldest son is studying at Shanghai 's Fudan University ,” said Rudd.“Our youngest son,who is in high school,is really naughty.He doesn't like doing his homework.But he has begun to study Chinese too.”
英语翻译不要用翻译器,人工People say that being good at computer helps fo
人们说善于使用计算机能在劳务市场更好的帮助外国人.澳洲新总理陆克文就是一个很好的例子.他在上周一刚入驻总理府.在中国,他有一个响亮的中文名字,陆克文.他是第一个能说中文的西方领导人.他在竞选期间说:“中国正在崛起成为一个超级大国,我相信一些澳洲政治家比我更清楚这一点.”陆克文从10岁就开始爱上中国.他母亲给了他一本关于世界古国的书.他爱死了那些古国的精美照片了.大学期间,他选择中国历史为主修课程,同时还学习了几乎有关中国的一切.毕业后,他加入澳洲外交部并在北京工作了2年.有一次,他对胡锦涛主席讲起:“我带着老婆和女儿来过中国.我们对北京有着一种特别的眷恋,对这里的人和文化.” 9月,胡锦涛主席回访澳洲时,盛情邀请陆克文一家来北京观礼2008奥与会.陆克文说他们全家都是中国粉丝.还说到:“今年,他女儿和一个香港人结婚了.而大儿子目前正在上海复旦大学学习.” “正在念高中的小儿子非常顽皮.不喜欢做家庭作业,但已经开始学习中文了.”