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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 02:14:34
Weighing too much can damage your health, and obesity is a growing problem for both kids and adults around the world. Sleep might be one answer to the problem. A new study has found that elementary school students who slept too little were more likely to gain pounds. Past studies have shown a link between sleeping less and weighing more, but scientists have had a tough time determining "which came first, the chicken or the egg," says Julie C. Lumeng of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. In other words, it hasn't been clear whether kids who weigh too much have trouble sleeping, or whether sleeping less leads to weight gain. Both scenarios seemed equally possible. To get a better idea of which causes which, Lumeng and colleagues interviewed the parents of 785 third graders from around the United States. The parents answered questions about how well their kids slept that year. Three years later, the parents answered the same questions. By sixth grade, 18 percent of kids involved in the study were obese. The scientists found no relationship between weight and the students' race or gender. It also didn't matter how strict their parents were, or whether they were boys or girls. Obesity struck all of these groups equally. Instead, sleep seemed to be the key factor. Over the 3 years of the study, the children averaged a healthy 9.5 hours of sleep a night. Some kids, however, slept a lot more--or less--than others. For the sixth graders, every hour of sleep above the 9.5-hour average was linked to a 20 percent lower risk of being obese.
体重过重会损害你的健康.不论成人还是儿童,肥胖问题在全世界范围内日益严重.睡眠或许是个解决之道.一项研究发现那些睡得很少的小学生更容易变胖.之前的研究表明了睡眠缺乏与体重增加之间的联系,但是科学家们花费了很长时间与精力去证实这两者究竟何为因,何为果,就像“现有鸡还是先有蛋”那样令人头疼,密歇根大学的Julie C.Lumeng 在 Ann Arbor市谈到.换言之,到底是肥胖的孩子有睡眠问题还是睡眠减少导致体重增加,现在还无定论.两种情况似乎有着同等的可能性.为了更好地弄清连这点因果关系,Lumeng 和同事们在全美范围内走访了785个三年级学生的家长.家长们回答了有关他们孩子们当年的睡眠情况的一些问题.三年后,他们回答了同样的问题.此时,研究对象中有18%的孩子出现了肥胖现象.科学家们发现体重与种族以及性别之间没有关联.肥胖也与父母的严厉程度以及他们是男孩还是女孩没有关系.具有任何以上因素都有相同的患肥胖的可能性.然而,睡眠似乎成为了关键因素.通过三年的研究,孩子们平均有9.5小时的健康睡眠,但是,有些孩子睡得比别人多些或少些.对六年级的学生们来说,在平均值9.5小时的睡眠之上每增加一小时睡眠,就意味着减少了百分之二十的肥胖几率.