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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/14 06:21:02
If I were a boy
If I were a boy   假如我是男孩   
Even just for a day   哪怕只有一天   
I'd roll outta bed in the morning   清晨我会从床上翻下来   
And throw on what I wanted then go   随便套上我想穿的衣服   
Drink beer with the guys   和朋友们一块喝酒   
And chase after girls   泡妞   
I’d kick it with who I wanted   和我喜欢的人混在一起   
And I’d never get confronted for it.   而且没人敢来质问我   
Cause they’d stick up for me.   因为他们都挺我   
[Chorus]   If I were a boy   假如我是男孩   
I think I could understand   我想我会懂得   
How it feels to love a girl   怎样去爱一个女人   
I swear I’d be a better man.   我发誓我一定会比男人做得更好   
I’d listen to her   我会听她诉说   
Cause I know how it hurts   因为我了解那有多痛   
When you lose the one you wanted   当你失去你爱的人(的时候)   
Cause he’s taken you for granted   因为他对你的无动于衷   
And everything you had got destroyed   你的世界因此而崩溃   
[Verse]   If I were a boy   假如我是个男孩   
I would turn off my phone   我会关掉我的电话   
Tell everyone it’s broken   告诉别人它(电话)坏了   
So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone   让他们以为我是一个人睡   
I’d put myself first   我会把自己放在首位   
And make the rules as I go   我会做我自己想做的事情   
Cause I know that she’d be faithful   因为我知道她会对我忠诚   
Waitin’ for me to come home (to come home)   一直等着我回家   
It’s a little too late for you to come back   你现在回头已经太晚   
Say it’s just a mistake   说(过去)只是犯了个错误   
Think I’d forgive you like that   认为你只要这样,我就会原谅你   
If you thought I would wait for you   如果你还认为我会等你   
You thought wrong   那么你就大错特错   
You know when you act like that   你知道当你这种反应的时候
I don't think you realize how it makes me look or feel   你没有意识到你让我多难看,多尴尬     
Act like what   是哪种反映?   
Why are you so jealous   为什么你要如此吃醋   
It's not like i'm sleeping with the guy   又不是我和别的男人上了床   
I said yo   Why are you so jealous   我说你,为什么你要吃醋   
It aint like I'm sleepin with the girl   我也没有和别的女人上床   
But you’re just a boy   但是,你只是一个男的   
You don’t understand   你还是不懂   
Yeah you don’t understand   对,你就是不懂   
How it feels to love a girl someday   有一天你爱上一个女人的滋味   
You wish you were a better man   你希望你是一个更好的男人   
You don’t listen to her   可你没有听她要说的话   
You don’t care how it hurts   你不知道那有多痛   
Until you lose the one you wanted   直到你失去你想爱的人   
Cause you’ve taken her for granted   因为当她在你身边的时候,你对她视而不见   
And everything you have got destroyed   你毁掉了你所拥有的一切   
But you’re just a boy   但是啊,你仍然只是一个男人