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英语翻译Now it is the queen who is 81,and due to the step onto A

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 01:35:52
Now it is the queen who is 81,and due to the step onto American soil this week for the fifth time.[U1] Her six-day tour will include a trip to Virginia to mark the 400th anniversary of the Jamestown settlement[U2] ,a visit to the Kentucky Derby and dinner at the White House with President George W.Bush ------the 10th American president she has met as Queen.While more will be curious about her since the success of the Oscar-winning film “The Queen,”[U3] any American will see her simply as a polity woman who wears matching hats and coats,loves horse and waves to crowds with a curling hand.But over the half century of her reign,Queen Elizabeth the second has wielded more power----and guarded more secrets---than most of us have imagined.She is certainly a figurehead[U4] but has also appointed Prime Ministers (following the resignation of Churchill and later,Harold Macmillan),and overseen six archbishops as head of the Church of England (George Carey,a former Archbishop of Canterbury,told NEWSWEEK her vision for her role was priestly,“almost sacramental”.As British constitutional scholar Walter Bagehot noted,the monarch has the right to be consulted,to advise and to warn.In public,her political power is largely symbolic.In private,it is personal and mysterious.She may be the ultimate consigliere,deriving power in part because no one knows she possesses it.
“ [U2]詹姆士镇殖民地”英国人在美国建立的第一个殖民地.
“ [U2]詹姆士镇殖民地”英国人在美国建立的第一个殖民地.
“ [U2]詹姆士镇殖民地”英国人在美国建立的第一个殖民地.
英语翻译Now it is the queen who is 81,and due to the step onto A
现在它是女王谁是81,而由于一步到美国本周的第五次.[ U ] 6天的旅行包括到佛吉尼亚标记的第四百周年,詹姆斯敦[球],参观肯塔基德比和晚餐在白宫与小布什总统------第十美国总统有见过女王.而更多的是好奇她是因为成功的奥斯卡获奖影片《女王,“[上]任何美国会看到她仅仅作为一种政体的女人谁穿配套的帽子和大衣,爱马和波浪卷发手人群.但在半个世纪的统治,伊丽莎白二世女王拥有更多的权力和更多的秘密----守卫---比我们大多数人想象的.她的确是一个有名无实的[ 4 ]但还任命了总理(丘吉尔辞职后,后来,哈罗德麦克米兰),和六位大主教为英国教会的首领(卡蕾,一个前坎特伯雷大主教,告诉新闻周刊,她的远见她的角色是祭司,“圣事”.作为英国宪法学者沃尔特白芝浩指出,君主有权查阅,提醒和警告.在公共场所,她的政治权力基本上是象征性的.私下里,它是个人和神秘.她可能是最终的军师,产生的动力,部分是因为没有人知道她拥有它.