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跪求求外研版英语报纸答案 总3250期 第二十二期答案

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跪求求外研版英语报纸答案 总3250期 第二十二期答案
跪求求外研版英语报纸答案 总3250期 第二十二期答案
Book 7 Modules 1-3
1-5 BCABC 6-10 ACABA
11-15 CCAAB 16-20 CABCB
21-25 AADDC 26-30 BDCCD
31-35 BBABB 36-40 ABFCG
41-45 BCADD 46-50 CCDBB
51-55 ABBCD 56-60 BAACD
61. is called 62. suitable
63. requirement 64. it
65. to 66. the
67. who 68. saying
69. to assist 70. replaced
71. ... be harmful for ... for → to
72. ... worse some diseases ...
worse → worsen
73. ... you will make ... 去掉will
74. ... instead being hard ...
75. ... whether necessary. whether → if
76. ... it or move ... or → and
77. ... trying to forgive ... trying → try
78. ... we both make ... both → all
79. ... take away their ... take → takes
80. ... in a way ... a → no
One possible version:
Dear Sir / Madam,
I recently saw your advertisement on the Internet offering an apartment for rent in Venice. I plan to travel here in July with my parents so I have a number of questions to ask first.
I want to know if there is air conditioning and Internet connection, because my father will have to check his emails while he's away.
I notice that it is possible to make a booking for less than a week. We are planning to stay for 4 nights in early July. I wonder whether it would be acceptable. Could you give me some idea of the price for this length at that time of the year?
I'm looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible so that I can make an early booking.
Yours faithfully,
Li Hua
21. A.推理判断题.由第四段中的Since that day, yelling at me has become a kind of family joke可推断,Coyote对父亲大声吼叫只是因为他觉得那样很有趣.
22. A.词义猜测题.由上文的we had an argument可推断,划线词的意思应该是“责骂”.故选scold.
23. D.细节理解题.由第七段中的it took me a long time to understand his motives可知,作者年轻时有时不能理解自己的父亲.
24. D.细节理解题.由最后一段中的“Brace yourself, graybeard,” I said to myself, trying not to yell可知.
25. C.推理判断题.由第一段中的how self-driving cars can help to reduce traffic jams ... how new self-parking technology could lead to a rethinking of mobility及driverless cars are part of the future of mobility可推断,举办此次竞赛的目的是展示无人驾驶汽车的诸多优点.
26. B.细节理解题.由第二段末的fewer parking spaces are needed可知.
27. D.细节理解题.由第三段末的trading data and information about everything可知.
28. C.推理判断题.由第三段可知,实现无人驾驶汽车还有很长的路要走,并且面临很多障碍,但是相关的技术已经在推进.再由最后一段可知,技术的改进是一个循序渐进的过程;从谷歌提出无人驾驶汽车这一概念到很多人对这种汽车感兴趣,这一大的跨越仅仅花了几年的时间.据此可推断,作者对无人驾驶汽车的未来持乐观的态度.
29. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的Which one is the good one and which one is the bad one可知.
30. D.推理判断题.由第一段末的I was speechless及第三段开头的Unfortunately, most people are more familiar with twin myths than with living, breathing twins可推断,作者很反感那个女人的话,所以匆匆离开了.
31. B.推理判断题.由第三段中的there was so much care between them. If I offered one a biscuit, he wouldn't take it until he made sure that his brother was going to get one too可推断,这对双胞胎兄弟深爱彼此.
32. B.推理判断题.由第四段末的to develop their strengths, whether or not they are the same as the other twin's及最后一段中的some fall into the trap of comparing their twins' personalities and abilities可推断,作者建议家长避免将自己的双胞胎孩子进行比较.
33. A.细节理解题.由第一段中的 ... a family drama when I lost my younger sister to leukemia have both affected my choice of a future profession可知.
34. B.推理判断题.通读全文可知,作者对医学的兴趣和妹妹死于白血病的遭遇使她决心成为一名肿瘤医师;作者还以学业成就及从事志愿工作的经历证明自己适合并热爱这一职业;此外,作者还表明上Marshall Sallinger Medical School的目的是将来从事抗癌工作.据此可推断,作者有非常清晰的职业规划.
35. B.写作目的题.由文章开头的I would like to submit my application for a place in your Marshall Sallinger Medical School及下文可知,作者写此文是为了申请某医学院.
36. A.A项在文中起承上启下的作用,引出下文科学家对该原则的检测.
37. B.B项是对该段首句的举例说明.
38. F.F项与下文中的Therefore, consumers should still be cautious是因果关系.
39. C.C项是对上文中的87% said they would eat food dropped on the floor, or have done so in the past的进一步说明.
40. G.G项与上文中的be careful about eating food dropped on the floor相呼应.
41. B.42. C.由上文的Christmas Dinner for Those Alone可推断,H'Doubler“关心(concerned)”那些他所认识的在即将到来的节日里“孤独的(alone)”人.
43. A.由下文的family this and family that可推断,此处是说“家人(family)”.
44. D.如果没有家人的陪伴,那么在圣诞节事事都围绕家人的事实会是“让人不快的(painful)”.
45. D.H'Doubler提议如果教堂能举办一场盛大的圣诞晚宴会“很好(great)”.
46. C.由下文的with no strings attached(不附带任何条件)及covering the costs of the main course, other church members offered side dishes and desserts可推断,H'Doubler预想的圣诞晚宴是免费的.no charge免费.
47. C.H'Doubler问Ellison他是否可以“说服(convince)”牧师允许举行圣诞晚宴.
48. D.由最后一段的it was H'Doubler's ... money that started the tradition可推断,H'Doubler将为晚宴提供一笔可观的“捐款(donation)”.
49. B.由第二段开头的Springfield physician可知,是H'Doubler这名“医生(doctor)”支付了主菜的费用.
50. B.此处是说一年一度的Christmas Dinner for Those Alone,故选dinner.
51. A.52. B.“为了(So that)”使教会能做好计划,想“出席(attend)”圣诞晚宴的人们需要提前打电话选择来参加晚宴的时间.
53. B.教会成员尽力使每个人感到自己是“受欢迎的(welcome)”.
54. C.由上文的always smiled可推断,此处是说圣诞晚宴的“成功(success)”.
55. D.由上文的always smiled可推断,H'Doubler对圣诞晚宴的发展感到非常“满意(pleased)”.
56. B.圣诞晚宴的发展“正是(just)”H'Doubler所预想的那样.
57. A.晚宴必然缺不了食物,故选food.
58. A.由上文可知,H'Doubler“发起了(starting)”圣诞晚宴.
59. C.由下文的Ellison asked H'Doubler's daughter if it was OK to tell people ... 可推断,H'Doubler最近“去世了(died)”.
60. D.由第三段可知,是H'Doubler的“主意(idea)”和捐款开始了圣诞晚宴的传统.
61. is called.考查时态和语态.由looks及语境可知用一般现在时,且someone与call之间是被动关系,故填is called.
62. suitable.考查形容词.设空处修饰名词time,故用形容词.
63. requirement.考查名词.设空处前有冠词及形容词修饰且作表语,故填名词.
64. it.考查代词.设空处作形式主语,to cross the road safely是真正的主语,故填it.
65. to.考查介词.appeal to sb. 意为“对某人有吸引力”.
66. the.考查冠词.retired前加定冠词the表示退休人员.
67. who.考查关系词.设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词policemen,且在从句中作主语,故填who.
68. saying.考查非谓语动词.rectangles 与say之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且say所表示的动作正在进行,故填saying.
69. to assist.考查非谓语动词.allow sb. to do sth. 意为“允许某人做某事”,故用不定式.
70. replaced.考查非谓语动词.replace与the word “children”之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且replace所表示的动作已完成,故用过去分词.


1-5 CCADA 6-10 BCCDD
1. C.推理判断题.由第一段中的for roofing their houses and fencing their gardens可推断,甘蔗最初被用作建筑材料.
2. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的the plant started to become weaker and many crops died可知.
3. A.段落大意题.第三段主要介绍了改良后的甘蔗的培育方法、优点及潜在的商业价值.故A项正确.
4. D.细节理解题.由第五段中的it makes the plant resistant to rust可知,该基因可以预防甘蔗被锈病感染.
5. A.写作目的题.文章主要介绍了甘蔗的历史,故A项正确.
6. B.推理判断题.由第二段中的Fair enough: if someone needs help to get ready for the world of work ... 可推断,作者认为Ed Miliband的提案是合理的.
7. C.篇章结构题.由第三段中的one worrying trend raised by several respondents was the impact of parents' lack of faith in the education system及第五段中的The education system urgently needs to catch up可推断,划线部分指代家长对教育制度的失望.
8. C.推理判断题.由第五段末的Schools should be a training ground for work, not just a launchpad into further education可推断,教育应该使学生为就业做好准备.
9. D.细节理解题.由最后一段末的completing an apprenticeship is more likely to lead to full-time employment ... than any other qualification可知.
10. D.标题归纳题.文章由失业救济金改革引出英国教育制度存在的问题,指出为就业服务是学校教育的一个重要使命.故D项最适合作本文的标题.