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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 09:19:57
梅花又名“五福花”,是中国传统名花,常被民间作为传春报喜的吉祥象征,梅花是岁寒三友之一,自古以来,人们都赞美她的傲雪精神,她的孤独的不与百花争春的高洁的美.“不经一番风霜苦,哪有梅花百日香.”这些都象征着梅花不怕严寒,不畏艰辛,不怕吃苦顽强不屈的精神. 所以,她代表高洁、坚强的人.

Apricot blosoom is also called "flower of five happiness", which is China's traditional famous flower. Often being regarded by the people as the lucky symbol of happy spring messenger. Apricot blosoom is one the "three friends of the cold seasons". It's spirit of cold resistance has been highly praised since the ancient times. It's solitary character not to fight for the spring with the other flowers is seen as a classy beauty. "Once after the wintry storm, what can possible beat the fragance of the apricot blosoom?", which has symbolized the cold resistance of the apricot blosoom, never afraid of hardship, tough, enduring and with the indomitable spirit. Therefore it stands for a noble and strong person.
