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英语高手请进~~短文改错 短文改错2篇

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 11:12:51
英语高手请进~~短文改错 短文改错2篇
Newspapers today supply us with much more 1._____
than that just happened in our country or in 2._____
other countries. If we want to know what 3._____
the weather will be, we can read the weather
report. If we want to find out what the films 4._____
are being shown or what plays or concerts they 5._____
can enjoy, we can look at the newspapers. In 6._____
many countries people put notice in newspapers 7._____
if they are trying to get information or finding 8._____
a house or rooms that they can live or even 9._____
a person that goes that get lost. Newspapers indeed help 10._____
us a lot.
After supper Li Hua came and asked me go 11._____
and see a film with him. In our way to 12._____
the cinema we saw the little girl sitting by 13._____
the roadside cry. We bought her a cake to 14._____
stop her crying. But when we asked where she 15._____
had lived she said she did not know. So 16._____
when we took her to the police station and 17._____
asked the police to take care for her. After 18._____
this we went to the cinema. But when we 19._____
got there the movie was near at its end. 20._____
We missed the movie, but we did a good deed.
英语高手请进~~短文改错 短文改错2篇
1. √
2. that→what
3. what→how
4. 去掉the
5. they→we
6. 去掉the
7. notice→notices
8. finding→find
9. live与or之间加入in
10. 有错,但是楼主打字有误,无法判断
11. me与go之间加入to
12. In→On
13. the→a
14. cry→crying
15. √
16. 去掉had
17. 去掉when
18. for→of
19. this→that
20. near→nearly 原创回答团(159号会员)