作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:25:37
lessen one
Help ,help me
I need food, I need water, I need house, a wife!
You must first say "please"!
Okay, okay!please help me!
Please give me some food!
Please gice me some water!please!
Hey! I say "please"!
Indeed, but you didn't say "thank you".
I need a cup of coffee. It's already nidnight.
I need a break.
Don't go, I need to talk to you.
You must finish your homework before watching TV.
A cup of tea, please.
Pay attention, please.
lessen two
Pardon me, can you tell me how to get to Nanjing Road?
Sure,you can take bus number 21, or subway line one.
Which one is faster?
If I were you I'll take the subway. Thank you.
Excuse me, do you know where the museum is?
Easy, just go north on Shanxi road.
It's about twenty minutes from here.
The museum's on the left,you can't miss it.
Thanks . You're welcome!
Can you tell me how to get to...?
I'll take the taxi.
Do you know where...?
Lessen 3
I'm so bored. Is there any way we can have some fun?
Easy! Just watch! 方法 娱乐
Ding-dong! Is Kevin home? Coming!
No, he's not in.
Is there any way...? 有没有什么办法...?
Is there any way you can leave work early tonight?
Is your father in? Is Tom around?
Lessen 4
Hey man, is this your first time in Shanghai? Yeah.
Do you like the city? Yes, I do.
How about Beijing?
I haven't been there yet.
Have you tried Peking Duck? Yeah, it's great.
Hey, buddy, he said he likes Peking Duck.
How about you?
Absolutely not! I do not like Peking Duck!
Do you like...?
How about...? 怎么样?
How about a cup f coffee?
How about going to...? 去...怎么样?
How about taking a rest now? 现在休息一下怎么样?
I don't like...
Lessen 5
Hey, how are you guys doing?
Fine! How are you?
I'm really bored. I'm leaving. See you around!
Ok, see you later! Bye!
Sorry, I have to go now. I have a class this evening.
See you tomorrow!
So long! Take care!
It's...it's getting late.天越来越晚.
I'm afraid...I have to go now.我恐怕...我得走了.
Good night!
Good night!Sweet dreams!做个好梦!
Guy 伙计,家伙.
See you tomorrow!
See you next Monday!week!
It's getting...天变得...
It's getting darker!
It's getting too hot!
I'm afraid you are going in the wrong direction!
I'm afraid I'm not free tonight!今晚没空!
I'm afraid I can't go with you!
Lessen 6
Mmmmm, delicious!
There's nothing like fresh 新鲜的mosquitoes!蚊子
Those mosquitoes really look tasty!好味道的
They sure are! 没错!
You ougyt to catch some yourseif!
There's plenty!许多
Can you give me a hand?
I'd love to. Kid,
But I'm kind of busy right now!
Can you give me a hand?
There is nothing like...没什么比得上...
You look excited.兴奋
She looks like her mother.
The carpet looks dirty.地毯看上去很脏
Do you need more milk?
No, thanks. There is plenty in the fridge.
There are plenty of books in the library.
Lessen 7
This one's a red-hot best seller!最畅销的
You're really got to check it out.你可以去看看.
I guaranee我保证 you'll love小说 it! 我保证(I promise...)
What a great novel!I loved it!多棒的一本小说阿!
This book is too long!
What a bore! 这太让人讨厌了!
This book is utterly tasteless.没一点味道
That CD is red-hot!
I guarantee you'll love...我保证你会喜欢...
What a...!多么...!
What a big city!
What a great idea!主意
Lessen 8
Het, this is great! Woo-hoo!这太棒了!喔...
Hmph,I can't stand Elves.我受不了Elves.
You must be kiding! Why not?你在开玩笑!为什么?
He's too boring.他太无聊了
He's so dull, it makes me nod off.他是那么的乏味,让我犯困.
Ok, so what singer do you like?那好,你喜爱谁呢?
The only kind of singer I like is one who wakes everybody up!
wake up 叫醒
I can't stand...!我无法忍受...!
I can't stand the noise!噪音
I can't stand your sister!
I can't stand spinach!胡说8道
It's too.../It's so...太.了!
It's too hot!
It's too salty!咸
It's so interesting!有趣
What ...do you like?你喜欢什么样的.?
What food do you like?
What movies电影/music do you like?
Lessen 9
Hey, dude! How are you doing?
Have a nice weekend! Cheers!干杯
Merry Christmas, buddy!圣诞快乐
Merry Christmas!
Happy(快乐) birthday! Happy...birthday?
Have a great Valentines Day!祝你以情人节玩得开心
HappyNew Year!and...and... Have a nice trip!祝你旅途愉快!
How are you...?你怎样?
How are you going to find her?
How are you getting home tonight?
have a ...!过个...!
Happy landings! 一路平安!
Lessen 10
Hey, are you two free on Satuday?
Yeah! What do you have in mind?
I'd like to take you to...我想带你们去...
...take us to dinner?
Cool! I really injoyed that bug pizza we had last time!
No,no.I want to take you to study a foreign language!
Study a foreign language?
Sure对! Wouldn't it be great to speak anoother language?
It would be so useful!外语真的很有用!
I would? 是吗?
Yeah, just think how much fun it would be to sing in another language!
Really? Okay! Yeah, let's try it!
All right then, repeat after me!
Are you free? 你有空吗? Are you free after work?
Are you free for dinner?你有空吃晚饭吗?
I'd like to...我想去...
I'd like to have a cup of coffee.喝一杯coffee.
Wouldn't it be great to...? ...那不是很好吗?
Wouldn't it be great to learn something new?
Think how much fun it would be...!想想该多有趣啊!
I have someone in mind.我想到一个人.
Let's try it!让我们试试看!
Have you ever eaten cheese before?
No, let's try it!
Lessen 11
MY, don't you look smart today!你今天看上去真帅!
Really? Why thank you!
I don't remember you telling me that before!过去我可从没听说过
Oh, I've always thought you were beautiful!哦, 我一直认为你很漂亮
That new hone of yours is really gorgeous!漂亮极了
Really? Oh, you flatter me!你在恭维我
You are such a sweet-talker!你的嘴真甜
Congratulations on your new home!恭喜你有了个新家
Why, thank you very much!
remember 记起;想起
You look...你看上去...
You look marvellous!很棒/so beaytiful!
I don't remember...我不记得...
I don't remember you telling me that before.你告诉过我
I don't remember where I put my notebook.笔记本
I don't remember this street.这条路
I've always thought...我一直认为...
I've always thought you are the best!
I've always thought he was boring.他很无聊
Why 哎呀that's the strangest thing I've ever seen.这是我见过最奇怪的事
Lessen 12
Today let's talk about jobs!
Excuse me, can you tell me what you do?
Me? I'm a cab driver.
This is a really tiring累的 job, you know.
Pardon me , could you tell me what you do fora living?
Sure, I'm a salesman!
Say, if you need anything, just give me...a call.
Fresh milk!
Sorry to disturo you , what, may I ask, is your job?
Who,me? I'm just a shop asistant.
Would you like some fresh,sweet香甜的 milk?
Excuse me, sir, could you please tell us, what is your profession职业?
Why,I'm a surgeon.
And me? I'm a reporter记者, bringing you this story.
How about you?
Let's talk about...让我们来谈谈...
Can you tell me...
If you need any help, just give me a call.
Lessen 13
I've got some great news!
Beat it! I'm in a bad mood.走开, 我心情不好
This is my lucky走运的 day!
I found a new job!
A new job? Really?真的吗? Really!
I wanted you to be the first to know!所以我希望你第一个听到这个好消息
I wish you祝你 the best of luck in your new job!祝你工作顺利
Let's drink to that! 让我们干杯To your luck!为你的幸运
Thank you. And to our friendship!友谊
To friendship!
Wait! And to your health!
Yes, to good health!
And to...To...Cheers!干杯
I've got...我有...
I've got something礼物 to give you!
I wish you good luck! 祝你好运
Lessen 14
I'm really nervous about this.我真的很紧张
I've got butterflies!我在发抖!
Don't worry,everyone's afraid the first time!
Are you sure everything is ready?
Yes,I've double-checked everything.
Trust me! OK,go for it!
That's it!You're doing great!
Lessen 15
Can I give you a hand?
No, thanks.
Are you sure you don't need any help?
I don't want to risk my neck just to fly.
Who wants to fly, anyway.
May I halp you?
I'd like to book an airline ticket.
Lessen 16
Get your maps here, really cheap!
Excuse me,sir. Would you like to buy a map?
No.thank you.
They're a real bargain, just four yuan each!
You can't find a good map that cheap anywhere else!
Sorry, I don't need a map!
Sure you do! Come on, these are great maps!
Thanks anyway.
Where...where am I?
See, I told you you needed a map?
Lessen 17
There's a rock concert tonight at the club.
Man, I really wish I was going!
Big deal!
You're not going?
No, I couldn't care less.
Oh, well, it sounds like everyone will be there.
SO what!
HEY!The concert is now OVER!
Lessen 18
Hey, stranger! Haven't seen you in a while!好久不见
Long time no see.
Yeah,long time no see!
How have you been?
Are you all right?
How's your wife?
Are you still working for that horrible company?
Hey, are you free Friday?
Let's get together!
Hey buddy! Great to see you!
Lessen 19
Hey man, check out my new look!瞧我的新打扮怎么样!
You are always so stylish!
But...do you really like it?
Like it? Of course!
Am I not fashionable? Am I not chic?
You should get one, too!
It would look great on you!
How awful!
Wow,that's really cool!
Hey, can you tell me where you bought that?
Lessen 20
Taxi! Taxi!
Where to?
Take me to the salad Hotel.
The Salad Hotel? But...
We're ALREADY at the Salad Hotel!
Huh? What?
Oh,we're here!
Wow, that was quick!
Here you go! Keep the change, pal!
By the way, next time no speeding, okay?
It's too dangerous!