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英语翻译1、被烧毁的园明圆该不该重建一事在媒体引发了激烈讨论(burn down ,media)2、我伯伯本来打算退休后

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 22:31:08
1、被烧毁的园明圆该不该重建一事在媒体引发了激烈讨论(burn down ,media)
2、我伯伯本来打算退休后回乡下住,可他改变了主意,决定在城里开家书店,为退休老人提供一个娱乐休闲的场所.(change one's mind,retire,had planned)
3、老百姓都很关心粮油价格上涨的事.(go up,be concerned about)
5、我知道被人忽视的感觉不好受,但你也不能靠这种怪异的发型引起别人的注意啊!(ignore,draw attention to)
5、她把这件事和其他一些事联系在一起,意识到有人在她的办公室故意捣乱.(relaie to,realise,on purpose)
6、他是个很有经验的人,总是受到年轻人的尊敬.(the young,look up to)
英语翻译1、被烧毁的园明圆该不该重建一事在媒体引发了激烈讨论(burn down ,media)2、我伯伯本来打算退休后
,The park was burnt out round the reconstruction of the media should not be triggered intense discussion (burn down,media)
2,I retired uncle had intended to return home to live under,he changed his mind and decided to open bookshops in the city for the elderly to provide a retirement place for recreation.(Change one's mind,retire,had planned)
3,and the people are very much concerned about grain prices matter.(Go up,be concerned about)
5,I know the feeling of being ignored,if painful,but you can not rely on such a strange hairstyle caused others to the attention ah!(Ignore,draw attention to)
5,and she put it together with some other things,that someone in her office deliberately disruptive.(Relaie to,realize,on purpose)
6,he is a very experienced person,always respected by young people.(The young,look up to)
孔子曰 伊乃挑剔也