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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 08:26:31
The seller warrants that all commodity will conform to the description set out in Clause 1, Save as aforesaid all representations, conditions and warranties of whatsoever nature are hereby excluded and extinguished.
Except as other wise provided herein, all import permits and licenses and the import duties, customs fees and all taxes levied by any government authority other than the seller’s country shall be the sole responsibility of the buyer.
The time for the performance of the seller’s obligations set forth in this contract shall be automatically extended for a period equal to the duration of any non- performance arising directly or indirectly from force majeure events including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, typhoon, natural catastrophe, and all other contingencies and circumstances whatsoever beyond the seller’s reasonable control preventing, hindering or interfering with the performance thereof. The seller so prevented by force majeure shall in reasonable time inform the buyer by cable or telex of the occurrence of force majeure and within one month by air mail a relevant certificate issued by competent authorities as evidence thereof. If the non-performance lasts for more than sixty(60)days, the parties shall immediately consult together in an effort to agree upon a revised contract basis. If the Parties are unable to arrive at a mutually satisfactory solution within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the beginning of such force majeure, then either of the parties may terminate the contract in respect of the unexecuted portion of the contract.
Should the quality, quantity and/or specification of the commodity be found not in conformity with the description set out in Clause one, the seller agrees to examine any claim, which shall be supported by a report issued by a reputable surveyor approved by the seller, claims concerning quality shall be made in writing within three months after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. Claims concerning quantity and/or specification shall be made in writing within fifteen days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. In no event shall the seller be liable for lost profits, delay, injury to goodwill or any special or consequential damages howsoever any of the same are caused.
The seller’s liability for any and all losses or damages of whatsoever nature resulting from any cause whatsoever shall in no event exceed the portion of the Total Contract Price attributable to commodity in respect of which the claim is made, or at the election of the seller, the repair or replacement of such commodity.
11.保固:卖方须保证所有商品将顺应列出第1条 除上述所有陈述,条件和保证,不论它们的性质现排斥和绝灭.12.证照,税捐:除另有规定者外,所有的进口许可证和执照及进口关税 海关费用和一切税款任何政府机关以外的卖方国家应负责 由买方承担.13.不可抗力:时间为卖方履行规定的义务,本合同将自动延长一个pe riod平等的期限,任何非业绩产生直接或间接从不可抗力事件包括但不李 mited火灾,洪水,地震,台风,自然灾难,d其他一切突发情况超出卖方合理控制预防,喜 ndering或干扰的表现.卖方等因不可抗力,应在合理时间内通知买方通过有线或电传的 不可抗力的发生,并在一个月内由航空邮件相关证书由主管机关作为证据 thereof.如果非演出时间超过六十(60)天 各方应立即共同磋商,以努力达成一项修改后的合同依据.如果双方无法达成一个双方都感到满意的解决办法120(120)天 开始这种不可抗力 那一方可终止合约,对于未执行部分的合同.14.要求:要质量,数量和/或规格的商品被发现不符合该说明列在第一位,卖方同意审查任何债权 其中应附有一份报告,发表了著名的测量核准卖方 债权有关质量应以书面提出后三个月内货物到达港口 目的地.有关债权的数量和/或规格,应以书面提出后十五天内货物到达 目的地港口.在任何情况下,卖方应赔偿利润损失,延误 商誉或任何特殊的或间接的损失承担任何相同的原因.卖方的任何责任,所有损失或损害,不论它们的性质因任何原因不得 无论如何超出部分的合同价格总额可归因于商品这方面的索赔 发表,或在选举中的卖方,修理或更换等商品.