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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/11 21:21:04
读完Wild的《the picture of Dorian Gary》,非常喜欢这本书,不仅如此,居然对王尔德起了探究之心,很久之前在文学史上读到过Wild这个人物,之所以记得住,也只是因为他是19世纪唯美主义的代表作家,唯美主义在文学史上算不上主流,但是对中国文学影响却深远.作者把灵魂幻化成了那幅肖像画,这就是这部小说最为引人入胜的地方,使无形变得有形.通读这本书之後我更加体会到了--我们得到一些事情必定就要失去一些东西作为代价,例如Gary得到了不会衰老的英俊,但是人性却因此而扭曲.当他许下愿望的时候只是考虑到一时的兴奋,还有貌似长生不老的诱惑
I have been attracted absolutely After I read "the picture of Dorian Gary" which was written by Wild.Not only that,I am unexpectedly have interest in Wild.In fact,I had knew the auther Wild in the history of literature long time ago.The reason why I remembered him is just that he is the representative writer in the 19th century aestheticism.The aestheticism is not the main stream in the history of literature,nevertheless the Chinese literature had been influenced vastly by the aestheticism.The most attractive thing,which the intangibility became the tangibility ,is that the soul was metamorphosed to that portraiture in the novel.I realize the principle,which is that as good lost as found,after I read the book.For instance,Gary got the immortal handsome,but his human nature have been warped by his appearance.He just considered the temporary excitement when he made wishes,as well as the seemingly immortal temptation.
再问: 不好意思我, 还有这一段是否可以帮忙翻译?http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/515666735.html?quesup2 这边是问题地址。 「我读这本书的时候,是觉得很meaningful的.美丽的人,拥有的机会就多,但是相对的,机会多了,风险也就大了。但是Lord Henry却有他的一套理论,亨利这个人物,我觉得很有意思,他有一整套,如果按照道德标准来评判的话,完全是属于享乐主义的谬论,但是却说的掷地有声,对于任何。。。。」
再答: 先给分再翻译你以为我每天都这么空吗