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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 14:30:53
四、握手也有先后顺序,应由主人、年长者、身份高者、妇女先伸手,客人、年轻者、身份低者见面先问候,待对方仲出手后再握.多人同时擂手,切忌交*进行,应等别人握手完毕后再伸手.男子在握手前应先脱下手套,摘下帽子.握手时应双目注视对方,微笑致意.此外,有些国家还有一些传统的见面礼节,如在东南亚信仰佛教的国家见面时双手合什致意;日本人行鞠躬孔;我国传统的拱手 行礼.这些礼节在一些场合也可使用.五、公共场合远距离遇到相识的人,一般举起右手打招呼并点头致意,也可脱帽致意.与相识者在同一场合多次见面,只点头致意即可;对一面之交的朋友或不相识者,在社交场合均可点头或微笑致意.六、涉外交往中,在与外商谈话时表情要自然,语言和气亲切,表达得体.谈话时可适当做些手势,但动作不要过大,更不要手舞足蹈,用手指点人.谈话时的距离要适中,太远太近均不适合,不要拖拖拉拉、拍拍打打.七、参加别人谈话要先打招呼,别人在个别谈话时,不要凑前旁听;有事需与某人谈话,可待别人谈完;有人主动与自己说话,应乐于交谈;发现有人欲与自己谈话,可主动询问;第三者参与谈话,应以握手、点头或微笑表示欢迎;若谈话中有急事需离开,应向对方打招呼,表示歉意.八、谈话时若超过三人,应不时与在场所有人攀谈几句,不要同个别人只谈双方知道的事情,而冷落其他人.如果所谈的问题不便让其他人知道,可另约机会.九、在交际场合,自己讲话要给别人发表意见的机会,另一方面、在别人讲话时,也应适时发表个人的看法.对于对方谈到的不便谈论的问题,不应轻易表态,可转移话题.要善于聆听对方的讲话,不要轻易打断,不提与谈话内容无关的问题.在相互交谈时,应目光注视对方,以示专心.别人讲话不要左顾右盼、心不在焉、或注视别处、老看手表等做出不耐烦的样子,或做伸懒腰、玩东西等漫不经心的动作.
Four,shake hands also have order,should by the master,the elderly,the identity,women's hand first,guest,young person,identity residency meet first greetings,ar para-ammonium moves again after grip.Many people also bang on hand in hand,avoid by all means,should wait for someone else to * handshake after the completion of the hand again.Man shaking hands shall,before the first gloves off,hat off.When shaking hands should look at the other person's eyes,smile regards.In addition,some countries some traditional meeting etiquette,as in southeast Asia buddhist countries met cross my fingers regards,Japan pedestrian JuGongKong; China's traditional salutes smartly.These rituals in some cases can also use.Five,the public long-distance meet acquaintance,general lift the right hand greeting and nod,also can tipped his hat.With acquaintances on both occasions met many times,only a nod can; To YiMianZhiJiao friends or acquaintances,in a social situation all can nod or smile regards.Six,foreign-related contact,in conversation with foreign expression to natural,language and kind,expressed appropriately.Conversation can be appropriately do some gestures,but not too big,not even movements,dancing with finger points.Conversation when it too far distance wants moderate,nearly all doesn't fit,stop procrastinating,clap renowned.Seven,attending a conversation to a greeting,others in individual conversation,don't sit together before,Something to talk with someone,but to someone talk over; Some active and speak for themselves and shall enjoy the conversation; Find someone to talk with oneself,can active inquiry; Third party involved in conversation,should with shake hands,nod or smile said welcome.If a conversation in a hurry to leave,answer to greet each other,apologize.Eight,the conversation if exceed three,should be in place with someone from a few words,don't talk with individuals know something about both sides only,rather than to others.If they are talking problem inconvenience to let others know,can fix another chance.Nine,in communication occasions,myself speak to give others opinion opportunities,on the other hand,when someone is talking,also should timely make personal opinions.For each other about the inconvenience talking about problems,should not easily comment,transferable topic.To be a good listener each other's speech,don't easily interrupted,not to mention and talk content irrelevant.In talking to each other when,should looking at each other,ishi concentration.Others speak not glance left and right,absent-minded,or watching elsewhere,old watch etc make the impatient appearance,or do yawn,play something casual movements.