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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 11:12:25
children: the fourth basic skill
Susan L. Trostle and
Thomas D. Yawkey, U.S.A.
Mrs. Southmardt, pausing over a drawing and inspecting it carefully, says, "Sally, penguins aren't green and they don't have red coloured eyes, either!" Sally remarks, "Yes, they do 'cause I have seen them!" Miguel, working nearby, chimes in, "Yes, they do too and I have one!" as he proudly shows his drawing of a large green penguin with fiery-red eyes.
Miguel and Sally are correct. Penguins are green (or any colour) and they can have fiery-red eyes (for the writers have also "seen" them). These and countless other spontan-eous contributions of preschool children show their creative thinking - their creative thoughts, actions, and activities permeate their classrooms.
Yet adults working with young children develop and implement curriculum and indicate by their actions that creative thinking is not helpful or beneficial or even desired. Creative thinking has become an outcast in current curriculum planning, teaching and evalution in early childhood (Yawkey, 1980). Accordingly, the messages of this article are: (a) to show the importance of creative think-ing to the young child's academic and social learning and development; and (b) to show ways in which teachers in the preschool can facilitate creative thinking and expression in young children.
In order to understand the importance of creative expression and its relationships to the young child's academic and social learning, a definition of creative thinking is helpful. Inlow (1966) views creative thinking and expression as the ability of the individual to relate sensitively, to think divergently, and to perform imaginatively in his/her confrontations with people and ideas.
The definition implies two important components. First, the definition says that creative thinking is a thought process, like the thought processes that are involved, for example, in counting from zero to five, in recognizing and pronouncing the word "cat", or in having the child print her first name "Daisy". Creative thinking is also used i~ problem solving and for the understanding of new ideas and objects. Even though creative thinking is cognitive thinking basic to all academic skills, it is personal, individual, and self-oriented. In other words, creative thinking is revealed differently in every single youngster; it cannot be assessed as "right" or "wrong". Even though many teachers and aides in' daycare and preschool know that creative thinking uses similar thinking skills found in performing the three basic "R's" of reading, 'rithmetic, and 'riting, they fail to understand that it cannot be considered as "right" or "wrong"; it is individual and personal to the child (Guilford 1967).