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我参加了学校的三分钟英语命题演讲,题目是When Socrates Meets Confucious(当苏格拉底遇到孔子

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 01:23:10
我参加了学校的三分钟英语命题演讲,题目是When Socrates Meets Confucious(当苏格拉底遇到孔子),求大神帮忙写个演讲稿或者给点建设性意见.
我参加了学校的三分钟英语命题演讲,题目是When Socrates Meets Confucious(当苏格拉底遇到孔子
In ancient Chinese and western,there are two education masters can be comparable to each other.one is Confucius in Chinaand the other one is the ancient Greek Socrates, which up to now are still praised in the world. Imagine, when Socrates meets Confucius, what sparks will they collide out? As we know, Confucius is considered as the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages, and Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher who was regarded as a saint dying for the pursuit of the truth. When it comes to educational mode, they have something in common, but at the same time they still hold volume of different views. From the perspective of Confucius, Confucius's teaching method is the gentleman type, although in the teaching he is an amiable old man,he established the basic specification of teacher’sabsolute authority.In general, Confucius taught studentsby theknowledge-transference way. Although he also prompted the student, what he did was intended to find ways to let them understand what the teacher said better.So he was not happy for students against the intention of their teacher.This educational mode ismore to cultivate students to the teacher's loyalty and understanding, to believe in authority. However, Socrates’ teaching methods were quite different from Confucius’. He never taught studentsthe ready-made answers, buttookdispute, cross-examine and so on to force students to think for themselves, and finally found the answer to their questions.He didn’t care whether they thought the same with their teacher and they believe what the teacher saidor not.The Socrates’ mode is more to cultivate students their own reasoning ability and self-awareness. So Plato, whowas good at thinking and pursued the dialectical way, became the heir of Socrates' education style. From the way of education, Confucius transmitted knowledge while Socrates forced students themselves to get knowledge;Confucius taught people to believe while Socrates taughtthem to doubt. Of course, they both paid attention to the heuristic teaching and encouraged independent thinking instead of the force-feeding teaching with results given directly. If they two learnt the teaching idea from each other, the world culture will be further integration.Also, China's feudal culture bound won't continue for so long. Last but not least, the cultural conflicts will be reduced and the world will be more peaceful.
再问: 我勒个去!你这是在哪弄到的
再问: 太长了,三分钟说不完啊
再问: 怎么感觉像是内部材料?流弊啊
再答: 你可以删一点啊.
再问: 当然,太感谢了。。。不过我想问一下,您这是在哪复制的
再答: 说多了都是泪..
再问: 不管怎么说,谢谢你啦
再答: 能帮你很高兴.
再问: 亲,你能告诉我,你是在哪复制的么?因为我觉得这篇文章不错,想用它做模板,所以谨慎一下。