作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 14:40:55
(需要用到括号里的词)1、我闻到了诱人的炸熏肉的香味.(tantalizing)2、玛丽站在门口把钥匙晃动得丁当作响.(jangle)3、他的心在狂跳,一步三级地奔上台阶.(pound)4、他们过马路的时候,她紧抓着孩子的手.(clutch)5、他喜欢想入非非,觉得自己赢了一块金牌.(fantasize)6、他们踮起脚以便把游行场面看得更清楚些.(on tiptoe)7、他抢走我手中的提包就跑.(grab)8、我得向服务员要回信用卡.(retrieve)9、请把这种漆涂在碗橱上.(spray)
1 I smelled a tantalizing smell of Fried bacon.
2 Mary stood at the door and jingled the keys. 【你单词jingle打错了吧】
3 With his heart pounding, he ran up the steps .
4 When they cross the road, she clutched the child's hand.
5 He fantasized that he won a gold medal.
6 They stood on tiptoe to see the parade scenes more clearly.
7 He grabbed my handbag and ran.
8 I have to retrieve my credit card from the waiter.
9 Please spray the coating on the cupboard.