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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 06:06:38
1975 Stephen (Hawking) issued a shocking conclusion :if the quantum theory entry into black hole as if not quite black!Instead,they will issue a minor to "Stephen radiation," the Holy Ghost.(including the radiation) photon,neutron and a variety of quality particles.This observation has never been visited.Because we have evidence that the black hole is a celestial being might have been the heat Mission buildings.The heat radiation would be completely submerged this weak (radiation) effects.If a black hole is a quality M (a solar quality,often as celestial quality measurement units translator),that it will only send 6 x blasts 10-8 Kelvin "temperature." Therefore,only a small black hole radiation will be more prominent.In particular,this effect is very interesting in theory,committed scholars have spent a lot of experience to understand how the quantum theory of gravitational combined with the consequences of what.Most dramatic :an isolated,the black hole will not absorb any material slowly radiation quality; Start slow,but growing fast.Finally,in the moment of its demise will be eye-catching as the atomic explosion,shed light.But one of the black hole M as a quality of life for all 1071M 3 seconds.Therefore,customers Diving into ghost (it has already begun looking for big explosions in the universe,generated by the demise of small black holes,but unsuccessfully).Why is this so?Well,you will find the origins of radiation,in many "popular" books,this explanation :And in any other places,but particles in the black hole of the evolving field of vision.They usually with particle-in the form of anti-particles formed and rapidly destroying each other.But in the vicinity of black holes field of vision,the possibility of destroying one of the former occurred on the black hole fell mortally wounded.Take another such blasts of radiation in the form of escape from.In fact this argument does not clearly consistent with the actual calculations.At least I have never seen the standard calculation on the way to explain how deformation particles slip profile.For this issue,I would like to stress that no one derive a "narrow" in the field of vision such as radiation blasts occurred near the interpretation.If any experts can conduct a correction,I would be happy to accept.Note :If this idea is precisely to the quiz,I will not be surprised.But I do not think that the calculations derive from the usual answer.The usual calculations involving cluster seemed husband (Bogoliubov) deformation.The idea is this :When you quantum of electromagnetic fields when you have to use classical physics equation (Maxwell Maxwell equation) and are frequently seen as two parts of the frequency and negative linear additive.Roughly speaking,a given particle,and another giving anti-particles; More accurate to say that such separation implies that the definition of the theory of quantum vacuum.In other words,if you use a method of separation,and I used another approach division,we view on the vacuum will not!This need not be too panic-stricken,this is somewhat disturbing.After all,the vacuum can be considered to be the lowest energy state.If we adopt a fundamentally different coordinate system,we will be completely different concept of time,which would have a totally different outlook on energy -- energy in the quantum theory as being defined as parameters H,the time to write out a prescription on exp (-itH) given.So on the one hand say that we have every reason to believe that in classical market theory,the basis of our different positive and negative frequency divided by different Xie -- time dependent on exp (-i breast t) linear combination Xie,known as being / negative frequency dependent on symbols omega-- Of course,this choice depends on the choice of time coordinates t.On the other hand,we can be sure that there will be different views on the minimum energy state.Now we return to the theory of relativity as a special case of that may Petrovsky (Minkowski) flat space.There is a significant under Curve (Lorentz) deformation zones separate "inertial framework," which gives a different time coordinate system.However,you may discover that a different coordinate system gives a different frequency plus or minus the Maxwell equation Xie does not distinguish between the concept totally.It is also not because they have different coordinates of the minimum energy position for the discrepancy.So all Guanxingxi observer for what is the particle,what is and what is anti-particle vacuum views are consistent.But in bending time and space,no such "best" coordinate system.So even very reasonable different coordinate system will be chosen in particle and anti-particle,or what have vacuum inconsistent.These inconsistencies does not mean that "anything is relative (theory)," because the existence of sound in different coordinate system to describe a system of "translation" formula,which is the cluster completely change her formula.So if black holes exist * On the one hand,we can solve the Maxwell equation in the most clear manner is divided into frequency,which is divided even in the distant future and away from the black hole also can do * On the other hand,we can solve the Maxwell equation in the most clear manner is divided into frequency,Even in this division (stars) Tansu into black holes (of) occurred in the distant past before the people can do.I gave above is the closest to the ordinary interpretation of the idea.On the distant future and away from the black hole where people do not see any black holes.The fact that there are other things to say :He was not entirely for this state of information,he saw a belt entropy state,in fact,a thermal state (here I assume that black holes are not eternal,So no black hole for the future return of discussion.Obviously the original calculation is legendary deal with such situations.But then the people to simplify the calculation by assuming that the eternal nature of black holes and "expansion" he explained.This is what the discussion of such issues :I saw a Shanshui version!) In fact,when you make a cluster seemed husband deformation of the vacuum,you are a particle and anti-particle state.This may explain that mathematics and enlightening links.This is likely to make the usual enlightening explanation for such links are better understood than me.