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宾补的具体用法包括动词后跟do doing done to do的情况

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 21:37:07
包括动词后跟do doing done to do的情况
宾补的具体用法包括动词后跟do doing done to do的情况
She found him a very clever boy.
He had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.
Last Sunday I saw you out with your sister.
To her surprise,she found herself in a different world.
I saw him doing his homework when I passed his window.
I was absent-minded when I heard my name called.
1) 只能用现在分词作宾语补足语的动词有:catch,keep,mind,prevent,stop(阻止)等.
She caught her son smoking a cigarette.
His words started me thinking.
2) 只能用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:wish,desire,expect,love,prefer,trust,encourage,let,allow,permit,mean,lead,bring,put,hurry,cause,remind,ask,invite,beg,request,worry,advise,persuade,call on,tell,order,command,require,make,force,drive,forbid,warn,help,teach,show,assist,report,bear,wait for,think,take,know,judge,consider,suppose,believe,allow,prove,declare等.
Their parents don’t allow him to stay out late.他父母不允许他在外面呆到很晚.
3) 既能用现在分词又可用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:see,watch,notice,look at,observe,listen to,hear,feel,have,imagine,discover,like,want,understand,hate,get,set,leave等.
She was seen running away from the scene of the crime.有人看见她从犯罪现场跑开.
I saw you put the key in your pocket.我见你把钥匙放进了口袋.
1) to do
The villagers did not allow them to build a factory there.
(ask tell beg force wish want expect advise permit order persuade)
2) 省略 to 的不定式
使用不定式作宾语补足语时,不定式符号 to 的取舍问题:
1) 在hear,listen to,let,have,make,see,watch,notice,observe 等动词后的不定式需省去 to.
2) feel 一词,跟 to be 型不定式带 to;跟 to do 型不定式不带 to.
3) help 一词后的不定式,可带 to,也可以不带 to.
We will make our hometown what your hometown is now.
1) with+名词/代词+形容词
It is not good manners to speak with your mouth full.
2) with+名词/代词+副词
The city looks more beautiful with all the lights on.所有的灯亮起来,这座城市看起来更漂亮了.
3) with+名词/代词+介词短语
The woman with a baby on her back lives downstairs.这个背着婴儿的妇女住在楼下.
4) with+名词/代词+不定式,不定式表示主动、将来的动作.
With you to help us,we are sure to finish the work on time.有你来帮忙,我们会按时完成任务的.
With so much work to do,we can’t kill any time by playing cards.有这么多工作要做,我们没有时间打扑克.
5) with+名词/代词+-ing形式,-ing形式表示主动或动作正在进行.
With a boy leading the way,they started towards the village.由一个男孩带路,他们朝那个村子走去.
6) with+名词/代词+过去分词,过去分词表示被动或动作已经完成.
With the problems settled,we all felt very happy.问题解决了,我们都感到很高兴.
7) with+名词/代词+名词
is a great country,with its capital Beijing .中国是一个伟大的国家,首都是北京.
8.结构:主+谓语+ it +宾补+真正宾语
I found it pleasant to be with your family.
We think it out duty that we should help the poor.
I felt it necessary to speak about our shortcomings.
Do you consider it any good trying again?
We all thought it a pity that you couldn’t join us.