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英语翻译Nostalgia is a recurrent theme in chinese poetry.An Amer

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 02:12:42
Nostalgia is a recurrent theme in chinese poetry.An American can resder of translated chinese poem may well be taken a back-even put off-by the frequency,as well as the sentimentality,of the lament for home.To understand the strength of this sentiment,we need to know that the chinese desire for stability and rootedness in place is prompted by the constant threat of war,exile and natural disasters of flood and drought.Forcible removal makes the Chinese keenly aware of their loss.By contrast,American move,for the most part,voluntarily.Their nostalgia for hometown is really longing for a childhood to which they cannot return:in the meantime the future beckons and the future is"out there",in open space.When we criticize American rootlessness,we tend to forget that it is a restult of ideals we admire,namely,social mobility and optimism about the future.When we admire Chinese rootedness,we forget that the word"place"means both a location in space and position in society:to be tied to place is also to be bound to one's station in life,with little hope of betterment.Space symbolizes hpoe;place,achievement and stability.
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英语翻译Nostalgia is a recurrent theme in chinese poetry.An Amer
怀乡病以翻译的chinese 诗的resder 能在chinese poetry.An美国可能把放的背面甚至从频率移开的一个经常出现的主题, 除了home.To的悲伤的多愁善感理解这情感的力量, 我们需要知道chinese对稳定的向往和rootedness在适当的位置被战争的恒定的威胁引起, 洪水的流放和自然灾害和drought.Forcible 排除做热切知道他们的loss.By 对比的中国人,美国人移动,在很大程度上, 给家乡voluntarily.Their 怀乡病真的是渴望他们返回不能的童年的.往下就不好翻译了