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Iran compromises on nuclear talks

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 19:18:20
Iran compromises on nuclear talks
Updated:2007-05-09 06:37
VIENNA,Austria - Iran agreed Tuesday to a compromise on the agenda text of a global conference called to consider ways to strengthen the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty,taking a surprise turn under pressure from allies to end a weeklong deadlock preventing talks.
Tehran's decision saved the meeting from a likely collapse,allowing delegations to move on to their main purpose a beginning to lay the ground work for a 2010 conference that is to review and possibly revise the pact to make it more effective in curbing the spread of nuclear arms.
The current meeting has no decision-making powers.But its failure would have damaged chances for progress in further preparatory sessions by putting into question the ability of nations to reach consensus decisions a the usual procedure for such treaties.
The conference had been snarled since its start April 30 by Tehran's objection to a phrase in the agenda citing the "need for full compliance with" the Nonproliferation Treaty.
Diplomats said Iran felt that wording would allow it to be targeted for defying U.N.Security Council demands for Tehran to suspend uranium enrichment,a process that can produce both fuel for electricity-generating nuclear reactors and material for atomic warheads.
The South African proposal accepted Tuesday will footnote the phrase to reflect that all aspects of the treaty must be fully observed a an allusion to the need for the United States and other nuclear weapons states to disarm.
Iranian chief delegate Ali Ashgar Soltanieh spoke of the "flexibility of my delegation" in accepting the compromise.
But the decision appeared driven by the frustration over the deadlock expressed by nations that often support Iran in its nuclear dispute.Before Iran's announcement,delegates evoked memories of the 2005 Nonproliferation Treaty review conference that failed to make substantive progress because of similar bickering over procedural issues.
Iran compromises on nuclear talks
伊朗让步核会谈(美联社)更新:2007-05-0906:37维也纳 奥地利-伊朗同意tuesday一种折衷的议程全文全球会议要求,要考虑如何 为加强不扩散核武器条约 采取突然又迫于盟国结束为期一周的僵局,避免了会谈.德黑兰的决定,挽救了会议,从一个可能崩溃 允许各国代表团谨对他们的主要目的?一开始的工作打下了2010年会议 议题是审查和可能修改该条约,使其更有效地制止核武器扩散 军火.这次会议有没有决策权.但它的失败,将有机会破坏进步的进一步筹备工作会议,将成为问题的能力 国达成共识,决定?一个一般的程序,此类条约.大会一直snarled展开以来,1930年4月由首都德黑兰的反对一语中的议程并举 "必须完全遵守"不扩散核武器条约.外交官说,伊朗认为,这一措辞将允许它有针对性不畏迪马安全理事会要求德黑兰 暂停铀浓缩,这一过程会产生两种燃料用于发电的核反应堆和物质原子核弹头.南非提议接纳tuesday将注脚语,以反映各方面的条约必须 完全遵循?有典故的需要,对美国和其他核武器国家必须解除武装.伊朗首席代表阿里ashgarsoltanieh讲的"灵活性我国代表团",在接受妥协.但这项决定似乎驱使愤懑僵局表示,联合国支持的时候,伊朗在其 核争端.伊朗日前宣布,与会代表中引起回忆了2005年的核不扩散条约审议大会未能取得实质性进展,因为类似的争吵 程序性问题.