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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 12:35:05
中国文化的集体取向和西方文化的个人主义的差异是理解中美双方谈判目标差异的关键.中国文化是典型的集体主义文化(collectivist culture). 中国文化的集体取向与儒家学说有着不可分割的联系.儒家思想以“仁”和“礼”为中心.“仁”指人心,它是儒家思想的核心.“仁”是二人,从人从二.其目的是讲如何处理人际关系,从而达到和合.要达到“仁”,一个人必须把自己纳入集体之中,和集体溶为一体.“礼”是行为的尺子,是人们社会行为的规范,人的视听言行都要符合礼的要求,从而使社会达到和合,达到“仁”.受集体取向文化的影响,中国人相互依赖,相互合作,“关系”至关重要,人们相互依赖达到几乎万事必须凭“关系”的地步.因此,中美谈判中,中方对“关系”的培养的要求自然是情理之中的事.
翻译成英文 不能直接用机译 谢谢各位
Collective orientation of Chinese culture and Western culture differences of
individuality is the key to understanding both sides negotiating goal
Chinese culture is a typical collectivist culture.Collective orientation of Chinese culture and Confucianism are inextricably
Confucian "benevolence" and "ceremony" as the Center.Ren "refers to the human heart, which is the core of Confucian thought.
"Benevolence" is a two-person, from the people from the two.
Its purpose is to tell how to handle interpersonal relationships, so as to
achieve harmony. To achieve the "benevolence", a person must put itself into the
collective, and the collective dissolved as a whole."Ritual" is the ruler, is one of the norms of social behavior, audio-visual has
solutions to meet the needs of the people, so as to enable the community to meet
and to achieve "benevolence".Under the influence of collective orientation of culture, Chinese
interdependence and mutual cooperation, "relations" is essential, interdependent
virtually everything must be based on "relationships". Therefore, in the Sino-US
negotiations that China "relationship" training requirements are reasonable.
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