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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 06:03:54
1.The research on the correlation of carbon dioxide with temperature has pointed out whether changes in atomospheric composition have caused the warming and cooling trends or were caused by ________
A.such changes B.their temperature C.those trends
2.Alice talked to us in a low voice,as though her thought_______
A.was far away B.had been far away C.were far away D.went far away
这里我as if/though的用法不甚清楚,其后面的虚拟从句用不用过去式,从句中的谓语又该如何选择,我在词典上找到以下例句:
1.The little girl's lips quiver,as if she's about to cry
2.she acts as if she were the only girl inthe world
3.It looks as if it is gong to rain.
3.Sometimes I wish I________for myself
A.be working B.were working C.would work D.would have worked
一般说,这里表示现在或将来的愿望,用worked即可,而表示对现状有所不满也用would work(c),为何答案选B
4.The publishing firm is planning a new_______of school textbooks.
A.volume B.series C.number D.range
5.Generally,senders think that their message is more helpful and urgent than_______the people who receive it.
A.are B.is C.does D.do
1 cause trends or were caused by those trends 导致该趋势的出现 或者 由该趋势引发
2 as though当谈论可能或真实的事时不用虚拟 It looks as though it's going to rain.
当谈论不真实或不可能的事时用虚拟 如题had been far away
3 真希望我是在为自己打工 与现在相反
4series of school textbooks 系列教材 就象电视连续剧的集用series
5A their message is 对应the people are
相对于什么人收到消息 发消息的人通常更看重消息的内容
再问: 抱歉有几题答案没写出来 2C,4B,5D,求理由,辛苦了,谢谢
再答: 2 Alice talked to us in a low voice,as though her thought were far away Alice 小声的讲着...好象她的思想已经走远 5 than 引导的是两个并列成分 这是考点 如果翻译成发消息的人比收到消息的人更看重消息的内容 则than do the people who receive it 这里do代替think
再问: 2.意思我懂,但你既然翻译成已经走远,那had been far away为何不对?难道是had gone far away?? 3.than do the people是什么结构?要是我会用than the people do(定语省)
再答: 伴随着谈话 思想走远 同时! 这里不是倒装句,而是than的另外一个用法,more…than也有这样的用法,than在句子中可做主语,指代前面刚提到的主语。引导紧跟than的谓语从句