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英语翻译There is reason to believe that the configuration of a s

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 13:31:33
There is reason to believe that the configuration of a seven-wire strand (i.e.,6 small wires twisted about a slightly larger center wire) results in very good bond characteristics.It is believed the Hoyer Effect is partially responsible for this,but the relatively large surface area and twisted configuration is believed to result in a significant mechanical bond.
Although these theoretical relationships are of academic interest,they have little practical application,due to the inability of designers and fabricators of pre-stressed concrete to control the several factors that influence the transmission length.Fortunately,there has been sufficient research into the magnitude of transmission lengths under both laboratory and production conditions for the following significant conclusions to be drawn.
(1) The bond of clean three and seven-wire pre-stressing strands and concrete is adequate for the majority of pre-tensioned concrete elements.
(2) Members that are of such a nature that high moments may occur near the ends of the members,such as short cantilevers,require special consideration.
(3) Clean smooth wires of small diameter are also adequate foe use in pre-tensioning,but the transmission length for tendons of this type should be expected to be approximately double that for seven-wire strands (expressed as a multiple of the diameter).
(4) Under normal conditions,the transmission length for the clean seven-wire strands can be assumed to be equal to 50 times the diameter of the strand.
(5) The transmission length of tendons can be expected to increase from 5 to 20% within one year after release as a result of relaxation.
(6) The transmission length of tendons released by flame cutting or with an abrasive wheel can be expected to be from 20% to 30% greater than tendons that are released gradually.
(7) Hard non-flaky surface rust and surface indentations effectively reduce the transmission lengths required for strand and some forms of wire tendons.
(8)Concrete compressive strengths between 1500 and 5000 psi at the time of release result in transmission lengths of the same order,expect for strand tendons larger than 1/2,in which case strengths less than 3000 psi result in larger transmission lengths.
(9) It would seem prudent to use 3000 psi as a minimum release strength in pre-tensioned tendons,except for very unusual cases.Higher strengths may be required for tendons larger than 1/2 in.
英语翻译There is reason to believe that the configuration of a s
(3)小直径清洁光滑电线也足以敌人前使用张紧,但传输长度为这应该是预计增加约一倍,为七绞合线(作为直径多表示类型肌腱) .
8)混凝土抗压强度1500年至5000(防扩散安全倡议在释放在同一顺序的传输长度的结果时间,预计链筋大于1 / 2,在这种情况下优势少于3000在较大的传输长度防扩散安全倡议的结果.
(9)看来,审慎的使用作为前释放强度最低3000防扩散预应力筋,除了非常特殊的情况.高等优势,可能需要肌腱大于1 / 2英寸