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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 19:22:38
1879年美孚石油公司即美国石油业第一个托拉斯的建立,标志着美国历史上第一次企业兼并浪潮的开始,托拉斯从而在美国成为不受控制的经济势力.过度的经济集中不仅使社会中下层人士饱受垄断组织滥用市场势力之苦,而且也使市场普遍失去了活力.在这种背景下,美国在19世纪80年代爆发了抵制托拉斯的大规模群众运动,这种反垄断思潮导致1890年《谢尔曼法》(Sherman Act)的诞生.
America civil war 865 years ended,with the establishment and expansion of the national railway network,the original local and regional market rapidlymerging into a unified national market.The establishment of big market haspromoted the rapid development of America economy,on the other hand,a monopoly to promote the emergence and development of the trust.
Mobil Oil Corp is established in 1879 USA oil industry the first trust,marking the beginning of the first time in the history of America merger tide,trust and become uncontrolled economic forces in the America.Excessive economic concentration not only makes the lower middle class people suffering frommonopoly market power abuse of suffering,but also makes the market generally lost vitality.In this context,American outbreak of mass movement against the trust in nineteenth Century 80 time,the anti monopoly trend in 1890 led to the "Sherman method" (Sherman Act) was born.
"Sherman" is the world's first anti-monopoly law,which is also known as the mother of the anti monopoly law.But economists oppose Sherman method,a Senate explained at the time,almost everyone agrees that something must be done immediately,in order to appease the anger of the people.