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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 05:38:24
因受不同文化的影响,各国的商务谈判风格差异也很大.西方人往往把复杂的谈判分解为一个个较小的问题,然后再依次解决,而在许多东方文化中,谈判是采取一种通盘考虑的方法.因此,在国际商务谈判中,针对不同文化背景的商业伙伴,强化基于文化差异的谈判管理,正确处理文化差异,对于提高谈判效率是十分重要的.在谈判实践中,很多谈判者常常没有领悟、重视或注意到文化对谈判方式的重要影响.对于外国谈判方的文化,有些谈判者也许已经注意到谈判对方的一些“不同的”,或者“费解”的谈判方式的具体表现,但却认为并不重要.有的人盲目的认为涉外谈判是用事实和数据说话,而事实和数据是通用的.同样,有些谈判者去异国他乡谈判时,为与对方保持融洽的关系,他们会注意到双方文化上的相似之处,而忽视其不同之处.在商务谈判中,如果不重视对方文化的差异性,就容易导致谈判的失败 .
First,the cultural differences on the importance of business negotiation
Due to the impact of different cultures,different countries is also a great style of business negotiation.Westerners tend to break down the complex into a smaller bargaining issue,then followed by settlement,and in many Eastern cultures,negotiation is to adopt a holistic approach.Thus,in international business negotiations,for business partners from different cultural backgrounds,and strengthen management based on cultural differences in negotiation,correctly handle the cultural differences,for improving the efficiency of the negotiations is very important.Practice in the negotiations,many negotiators are often not understood,attention or note the importance of cultural influence on the negotiations.Culture for foreign negotiators,some negotiators may have noticed some of the other negotiations "different" or "obscure" the negotiation of specific performance,but that is not important.Some people blindly believe that negotiation is the foreign words with facts and data,and facts and figures are common.Similarly,some negotiators to negotiate a foreign country,in order to maintain a harmonious relationship with each other,they will notice the similarities between both cultures,while ignoring their differences.In business negotiations,if not attached to each other and the cultural differences,it is easy to cause the failure of the negotiations.
And China's accession to WTO,economic and trade exchanges with other countries more frequent negotiations increasingly shows its presence in the social and economic life of the position.United States as a world economic power,is China's important trading partner,but the cultural differences of the two countries negotiated a huge influence,so that negotiations can not proceed smoothly.Therefore,China-US cultural differences of the negotiations on the impact of the two countries is necessa