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英语话题,高分悬赏高手做一下下面的题目,谢谢!要求话题不少于两分钟... 1.what is the most impo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 00:16:52
1.what is the most important thing happened in the world in 2007 in your opinion?Please make a explanation to support your view.
2.Describe an event that is frightening, dangerous, lifethreatening,or something that is exating,joyful and profitable.
英语话题,高分悬赏高手做一下下面的题目,谢谢!要求话题不少于两分钟... 1.what is the most impo
The 10th anniversary of reunification
10 years ago today, the Chinese and British Governments held a handover ceremony in Hong Kong, the Chinese Government solemnly declared to resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, the People's Republic of China Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Hong Kong's reunification, including the realization of the broad masses of Hong Kong compatriots, people of all nationalities throughout the centuries long-cherished wish is to shine in the annals of the Chinese nation ages Gongye.
10 years later today, we, with the feelings of joy, where a grand celebration the 10th anniversary of the reunification. First of all, on behalf of the Central Government and people of all ethnic groups, to all the people of Hong Kong, and extended sincere greetings! To the just-sworn-in the third term Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Donald Tsang, and the third Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government's principal officials, members of the Executive Council, expressed warm congratulations! I believe that the new SAR government will certainly be able to sum up experience and the future, to unite and lead the majority of Hong Kong compatriots to build Hong Kong into a more beautiful.
At this moment, we can not help but recall the historical process of reunification. We have to creatively put forward the "one country, two systems" scientific concept of direct guidance of the Sino-British negotiations on Hong Kong and the Hong Kong SAR Basic Law Drafting for the peaceful reunification of the motherland opened up a new path of Mr. Deng Xiaoping, deeply miss that! To achieve the smooth transfer of Hong Kong, a smooth transition and successful implementation of "one country, two systems" has made historic contributions to Mr. Jiang Zemin, who paid high tribute!
To take this opportunity, we must all care about Hong Kong, Hong Kong's smooth return and to contribute to maintaining stability and prosperity of the compatriots at home and abroad and international friends, to express my sincere thanks!
Since the reunification of the motherland is an extraordinary 10 of 10.
10, the central government to implement the "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" and high degree of autonomy, act strictly in accordance with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law, unswervingly safeguard Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. Hong Kong will continue to maintain the existing capitalist system and way of life, full exercise of the HKSAR Basic Law granted the executive, legislative and independent judicial power and the power of final adjudication, and Hong Kong residents enjoy extensive democratic rights and freedoms, "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong "And a high degree of autonomy into a vivid reality.
10, the central government and strong support of the mainland of the motherland, Tung Chee-hwa, the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, has led the two Special Administrative Region Government, with the majority of Hong Kong compatriots forge ahead in unity to overcome the impact of the Asian financial crisis, such as the atypical pneumonia epidemic Serious difficulties and challenges, safeguard the overall interests of Hong Kong's social stability and achieve economic recovery, Hong Kong made considerable progress in all undertakings.
10, Hong Kong and mainland China continued to deepen exchanges and cooperation, closer economic and trade cooperation. Hong Kong from the motherland by more robust support, but also for the country with the world in economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges have played an important bond and bridge. Hong Kong compatriots not only with their own talent and hard work to achieve Hong Kong's development, but also to the motherland's modernization drive has made important contributions.
10, Hong Kong's external exchanges increasing, continue to work with the world's various countries and regions and relevant international organizations to maintain and develop economic and cultural relations, continue to maintain a free port and international financial, trade and shipping centre, continued to be recognized as the world's most free and open economy And the development of the most dynamic and best business environment in one of the regions, Hong Kong as an international economic metropolis show a new vitality.
Today, Hong Kong, maintain social stability, economic prosperity and more democratic and orderly development of the people live in peace and show a faction thriving scene. Indisputable facts to prove that the "one country, two systems" principle is totally correct Hong Kong compatriots completely wisdom and ability to manage and build Hong Kong well, and the great motherland has always been Hong Kong's prosperity and stability!
In the long river of human history, only 10 short of the moment. However, we are engaged in the "one country, two systems" cause, this is unprecedented in 10 ground-breaking significance. 10, in practice we get a lot of valuable experience, the most important of the following four points.
First, adhere to comprehensively and accurately understand and implement the "one country, two systems" principle. "One country, two systems" principle, the basic meaning, that is, in the People's Republic of China, the main countries adhere to the socialist system, the principles established directly under the Central People's Government of the Special Administrative Region and continue to maintain the existing capitalist system, in accordance with Basic Law of the HKSAR a high degree of autonomy. No matter what circumstances we have encountered, we should comprehensively and accurately implement this policy. "One country, two systems" is a complete concept. "One country" is the "two systems" on the premise that there is no "one country," there will be no "two systems." "One country" and "two systems" can not be separated each other, not against each other. "One country" is to maintain the law have the power to safeguard national sovereignty, unity, security. "Two systems" in accordance with the law is to protect the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region enjoys a high degree of autonomy, support the Chief Executive and the SAR Government's policy. Only when these two aspects are implemented, "one country, two systems" can give full play to the superiority of up to the Hong Kong compatriots to bring about real well-being.
Second, adhere to strict accordance with the Basic Law. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law is Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability of the legal protection, according to Hong Kong is the cornerstone of the law. To safeguard Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law in Hong Kong's highest legal status, strictly in accordance with the Basic Law. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the executive, legislative and judicial organs and social organizations, the central government and mainland departments at all levels, all regions of the various organizations, Hong Kong residents and mainland people, must comply with the Basic Law of the HKSAR, the Basic Law for the code of conduct. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law on Hong Kong's political system, in line with the actual situation in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of legal status. As long as we follow the relevant provisions of the HKSAR Basic Law, they will be able to promote Hong Kong's political system step by step forward.
Third, adhere to concentrate efforts on economic development and improving people's livelihood. Economic development and improving people's livelihood is the most important theme of the broad masses of Hong Kong is also the common aspiration of compatriots. Only economic development, to constantly improve people's livelihood, in order to maintain social stability, suitable for the actual situation of Hong Kong's democratic system can develop smoothly. Hong Kong backed the motherland, countries facing rapid development of the good opportunities and favorable conditions are favorable. As long as the Special Administrative Region Government and the broad masses of Hong Kong compatriots to wholeheartedly, team work and give full play to its advantages and further nurture and strengthen the economic cooperation with the mainland, and actively comply with in-depth development of economic globalization and the world speed up the adjustment of industrial structure of the trend, they will be able to achieve in Hong Kong The sustained and stable economic development, and promote continuous improvement of people's livelihood. The central government will continue to take effective implementation and help promote Hong Kong's economic development policies and measures to continuously expand cooperation areas, upgrade cooperation level, improve the cooperation mechanism, strive to make the mainland with Hong Kong's cooperation more productive.
Fourthly, adherence to maintaining social harmony and stability. Maintaining social harmony and stability of Hong Kong maintain a good business environment, economic development and improving people's livelihood of the basic demands of the broad masses of Hong Kong in line with the fundamental interests of compatriots. Hong Kong's various social strata and sectors diverse interests, aspirations and diverse, but the majority of Hong Kong people uphold the position of loving the motherland and Hong Kong, is in the fundamental interests of the same. Hong Kong people should unite closely, and actively promote all conducive to the well-being of Hong Kong compatriots and the fundamental interests of the country, resolutely oppose all detrimental to the well-being of Hong Kong compatriots and the fundamental interests of the country. As long as Hong Kong people uphold the overall situation, stressing unity, stressing inclusive social consensus, has always been to Hong Kong's overall interests and long-term interests at heart, to the national interests at heart, rational communication, common ground while reserving differences, there is no unresolved conflicts and can not be bridged Differences, they will be able to continue to promote economic and social development, the sharing of development results.
"One country, two systems" is the Chinese nation on the political civilization of mankind's unique contribution. "One country, two systems" is the cause of the motherland's mainland and Hong Kong common development and prosperity of the cause, the cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is an important part. To this great cause to continue to push forward the needs of the central government, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the joint efforts of compatriots of Hong Kong. Here, I wish to solemnly reiterate that the central government will continue to unswervingly implement the "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" and high degree of autonomy, act strictly in accordance with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law, fully support the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive and the Government's policy, fully supported the development of the economy and improving people's livelihood, promote democracy, to promote the Mainland and Hong Kong in economy, education, science and technology, culture, health, sports and other areas of exchange and cooperation, actively support the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in foreign exchanges.
In short, the central government on Hong Kong's major policies aim is to Hong Kong is good, in order to better Hong Kong tomorrow, that is good for Hong Kong compatriots, Hong Kong compatriots for a better tomorrow.
Hearts of the people of all nationalities in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong compatriots also concerned about the motherland. At present, people of all ethnic groups is Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents", under the guidance of thoroughly implementing the scientific development concept, vigorously promote economic construction, political construction and cultural construction, social construction and building a well-off society and accelerating social Modernization of unity and struggle. After long efforts, China's development has scored great achievements, China's people of all ethnic groups living standards and mental outlook in an unprecedented and profound changes, China's international standing and influence significantly enhanced. Our great motherland's rapid development, including Hong Kong compatriots, people of all nationalities in the results of joint efforts, but also the pride of all Chinese people.
At present, the mainland of the motherland and the development of Hong Kong are in a new historical starting point. We are facing a rare development opportunities and severe challenges. Let us join hands to seize opportunities, meet challenges and work together, work ahead, work together to create a new situation in the development of the cause. We firmly believe that the broad masses of compatriots in Hong Kong with the motherland and the people Xin Lianxin, side by side, will certainly be able to create brilliant new development of Hong Kong, will certainly be able to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make new contributions to!
Focus on the Joy
It's the Holiday Season --- a new year is just around the corner! I'll bet you're already thinking about how you'd like next year to be a little different than the last, right?
But instead of thinking of performance, and efficiency, and control, I'd like you to take this opportunity to think about how many things in your daily life that you do "just for the joy of it"?
What I'm talking about here is value-based happiness (as opposed to temporary happiness).
Value-based happiness refers to the general feeling of well being that you experience when you are doing what you perceive to be meaningful — when it's something that's important to you.
When you love what you do, you naturally become more efficient. When you do things for the joy of It, you'll rise above problems, and move easier through life.
Value based happiness is a by product from living a life Focused on the Joy. It is the by product of doing things not for what you get in return, not because you "should" or "have-to", but because you want to, because they are a part of your highest goals, and what you value.
Value based happiness comes from looking at things with your heart, not just your eyes.
You create value based happiness by Focusing on the Joy of life, instead of constantly looking for the next new thing that might make you feel better about yourself, about your life.
So how do you Focus on the Joy?
Throw out your ideas about control, effectiveness, and goals. (Yes, they are important, but let's just try something different, ok?) ( to be continued)