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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:22:09
The elephant is the biggest animal on land. It has big ears and a long nose, which is called a trunk. An adult elephant is about 2 metres tall and 6 to 7.5 metres wide. Most elephants live in family groups in parts of Africa and Asia. They can live up to 70 years. Elephants eat a lot of grass and plants, which makes them strong enough to help people do heavy work. Of course, they are also very heavy, and can weigh between 3 and 7 tons! (:
再问: 你知道这个作文怎么写吗
再问: 可以再教我一下吗
再答: 哈哈 你几年级的
再问: 六
再答: 这个不难,你不会做吗?
再问: 看不懂
再问: 你可以教我吗
再答: 你是要我写还是帮呀
再问: 都要
再问: 可以吗
再答: 我写前面两句 ,你接着写!

Mr Webb travelled to Beijing by plane. He stayed in Beijing from the 16th to the 25th of January. Next, ....
再问: 然后是He travelled to xi an by plane.He stayed in xi an from 26th to 28th of January吗
再答: 是的。我再继续这一句啊
再答: After visiting Xi'an, Mr Webb took the train to Nanjing. He stayed in Nanjing for four days, from 28 January to 31 January. 你继续!
再问: 你是几年级的,
再问: 还是老师
再答: 大一
再答: 我是你英文考试。你不好好做功课被我抓到啦。
再答: 我是你英文老师
再问: 啊?
再答: 开玩笑,我大一
再问: 呵呵,你这玩笑开的有点大了
再答: 谁叫你不好好做作业。我就吓吓小朋友嘛。
再问: 额
再问: 这题我怎么一个都看不懂,什么什么呀
再答: 就叫你填空。我不管,我不要做。你做完再发给我检察。好不?
再问: 我肯定错很多The How have about have we why go
再答: 人家在对话呢,你填的要有意思啊。

No school on children's day. 儿童节不用上学。
再问: 哦,后面的呢
再答: Shall we go to Baiyun Mountain?
再答: We have been to...
What about going to...
I want to have fun.
Let's go to the children's park.
Why don't we...
let's go to...
再问: 果然错好多
再答: 你写的也不错啦!
再问: 额
再问: 这个作文你可以像昨天一样你写一句我写一句吗
再答: 哇 你怎么一天一个作文???
再问: 对呀我们老师天天都让我们写作文,我也不知道为什么
再答: 是吗,老师也是为了你们好啊。你就好好做吧。把那个房间的图片再照给我,太小了我看不见里面有什么。
再问: There is/are 是问这个房间里有什么吗
再答: There is a bed in the room. 房间里有个床。Beside the bed, .... 在床旁边。。。你加几句!
再问: Beside the bed,there is a desk.
再问: 对吗
再答: 哈哈 对,可是我刚才可能跳的太快了。先说说床上。 There is a bed in the room. On the bed, there
再问: There are some clothes
再问: 是吧
再答: 对,然后就加上刚才桌子那句。这篇作文好无聊。。。还能写什么。。。
再问: 额
再问: 那It Is的句型怎么写
再答: 就比如说描述床很乱 It is very messy.
再答: 或者那两只动物可爱 They are very cute. 不过 it /they 前面的句子就必须说明你指的是什么。
再问: 哦
再问: 有只猫和只狗在地上怎么说呢
再答: There is a dog and a cat in the room. 就这样吧。或者 There is a dog under the desk. There is also a cat in the room.
再问: 哦
再问: 3Q
再问: 3Q
再问: 我这个第五大题对了吗
再答: DID you like the VCD?
Yes, very MUCH. I think it WAS fantastic.
再答: 别的对啦!
再答: 哦,我刚写的第一个字应该是 Do 吧。。。第二个换成 IS fantastic 吧。我想你这篇可能是现在式。
再问: 第三大题的第二小题
再答: 1 WON. 题目写了昨晚 last night. 过去式呢
2 us
再问: 喔喔
再问: 姐姐我又有作文了,写的是我最喜欢的动物,我喜欢兔子,怎么写???
再答: 这次老师不给提示了? 哈哈
再问: 啊!我怎么写
再答: 就写 My favourite animal is the rabbit. I love rabbits because they are very cute. 然后。。。继续写哈哈
再答: 写 兔子喜欢是红萝卜 Rabbits like to eat carrots. They also like to hop around the garden. 在花园跳来跳去。
再问: hop around什么意思
再答: haha 跳。不然写 jump around 也可以。jump 也是跳,学过吗?
再答: haha 跳。不然写 jump around 也可以。jump 也是跳,学过吗?
再答: haha 跳。不然写 jump around 也可以。jump 也是跳,学过吗?
再问: 它有长长的耳朵,红色的眼睛,短尾巴怎么写
再答: It has long ears, red eyes and a short tail.
再问: 这个
再答: 我吃饭呢
再问: 啊
再问: 那怎么办
再问: 吃完了吗,可以教我了吗
再答: 吃完啦。你儿童节做了什么?
再问: 我?那天我们表演,可是没选上我
再答: 那你至少也要说说你要写什么内容,难道要我编吗? 看看题目啊!
再问: 就是有表演跳舞的,有朗诵的,还有唱歌的
再问: 地点是礼堂
再答: On Children's Day, my school had a celebration. All the students watched performances in the hall. There were many interesting performances, such as..... My favourite performance was..... because.... Everyone had a lot of fun on Children's Day!
再问: 额,那个礼堂不是我们学校的,是暨大的
再答: 你不愿意自己做才叫我做吗。百度上很少人愿意做作文的,我也一样,懂吗? 写作文多麻烦。。。
再问: 哦