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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 10:34:04
1.MY HOME — Where is your home?— It is in Shanghai.— Oh,do you live near the steel works?— Yes,my father is a steel worker there.— And what does your mother do?— She works in a nursery.— Have you any brothers and sisters?— Yes,two brothers and a sister.My elder brother is in the army.My younger brother is at school.My sister is a nurse at a hospital in Hangzhou.我的家 — 你的家在哪里?— 在上海.—噢,你住得离钢铁厂近吗?—近,我父亲就是钢铁厂的工人.— 你母亲是做什么的?— 她在幼儿园工作.— 你有兄弟姐妹吗?—有,我有两个兄弟和一个姐姐(妹妹).我哥哥在部队,弟弟在上学.我姐姐(妹妹)在杭州的一家医院里当护士.2.WEATHER — What's the weather like in your hometown?— It's very nice.It's usually warm and sunny in spring and autumn.— Does it often rain there?— Yes,it does,especially in summer.— Is it very cold in winter?— No,it isn't.It seldom snows there.天气 — 你家乡的天气怎么样?— 非常好,在春天和秋天通常都是温暖和阳光明媚的.— 那里经常下雨吗?— 是的,特别是在夏天.— 那里冬天非常冷吗?—不,不很冷.那里冬天很少下雪.3.IN THE COMPUTER ROOM — Is this your school computer room?Who are these people?— They are students of the Russian department.— What are they doing?— They are learning to use computers.— Do you often work here?— Yes,we work here once a week.We are all keen to learn modern techniques.在计算机房 — 这是你们学校的计算机房吗?这些人是谁?— 他们是俄语系的学生.— 他们在干什么呢?— 他们正在学习使用计算机.— 你们经常来这儿学习吗?— 是的,我们每周在这里上一次课.我们都喜欢学习现代化的技术.4.AT THE BUS-STOP — Hello,you're going to town,aren't you?— Yes,we're going to see an exhibition.What about you?— We're going to the park.— It's a fine day for an outing,isn't it?Are you going to be there all day?— No,some of us are going to a concert in the afternoon.— Well,I'm sure you'll have a good time.Oh,there comes the bus.Let's get ready.在公共汽车站 — 你们好,你们是要进城去,对不对?—对,我们要去看一个展览,你们呢?— 我们要去公园.— 这是个出游的好日子,是不是?你们要在那儿玩一整天吗?—不,下午我们有些人要去听一场音乐会.—嗯,我相信你们会玩得很好的.噢,车来了,咱们准备上车吧.