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把这段字边成英语 谢谢了 不要蒙我

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 08:24:17
把这段字边成英语 谢谢了 不要蒙我
爱壹个人是不需要理由的 可是从我见到她 爱上了她 我才发现爱情不是我们能懂的 往往到最后伤的还是自己 她是我第壹个说 我爱你的人 可是事事都不如意 没有永久的爱 看见你 我会不好意思见看你 等你走开的时候 我会急忙寻找你 这叫不叫爱 如果不是爱 为什麽 我会想她 爱她 思念她 我的心裏 为什麽都是她 我认识她已经快半年了 为什么她就是不明白啊 在她身边一直有一个人在关心她 爱护她 见到她的机会就少了 难道我就这样放手吗 我不甘心啊 我真的很爱她 如果你愿意给我壹次机会 我会对你说 我爱你 不说永远 从今以后我只疼你壹个人,答应你的每件事做到,对你讲的每句话都是真心,永远觉得你是最漂亮的,梦裏也只梦到你 这也算是我对你的承诺吧 最后 送你壹段话 如果有壹天你走得太倦,只要壹转身,我的祝福就在你身边;不管离多远,不管多少年,化这祝福为蓝星点点,闪在你生命的每壹天.
把这段字边成英语 谢谢了 不要蒙我
It is no reasons to love someone.But since i met her and loved her,I realised that love is out of our understanding,so finally we usually hurt ourselves.She is the person who I said "I love you" to.However,things were not as we wished.
There is no everlasting love.When i met you,i was shy to look at you,but when you left,i would find you in haste.Is this love?If not,why do i think about her,love her and miss her.Why is she everything in mind?It's near a half year since i knew her.Why didn't her understand that there was a person always beside caring her and cherishing her.Now the chances to meet her reduces,should i just leave silently?I don't reconcile to it,because i really love her so much.If she is wiling to give me a chance,I will say "i love you" to her,not forever,but from then on i only care you,do everthing i promise,speak every word from my heart,forever believe that you are the most beautiful woman in the world and dream of you every night.This is my promise to you.At last,a word to you,one day if you feel tired,just turn around,and my wished are beside you.No matter how far,no matter how many years,all my wishes melt into blue stars,blinking everyday in you life.