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英语翻译The Pt 4f signal of the Pt–Pd ANFs is deconvolutedinto t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 19:45:08
The Pt 4f signal of the Pt–Pd ANFs is deconvoluted
into two components.The binding energies of two pairs of
doubles locate at Pt 4f7/2 (71.36 eV),Pt 4f5/2 (74.68 eV) and
Pt 4f7/2 (72.90 eV),Pt 4f5/2 (76.35 eV),which are assigned
to Pt0 and PtII species,respectively (Figure 4A).46-48 By
measuring the relative peak areas according to the curvefitting,
it is observed that the percentage of Pt0 species in the
Pt–Pd ANFs is 92.0%,which is much higher than that in
commercial Pt black (79.2%).Furthermore,it is observed that
the binding energy values of Pt0 species in the Pt–Pd ANFs
negatively shift ca.0.40 eV compared to that of the
commercial Pt black,which mainly originates from the
interaction between PAH and Pt atoms.49,50 In principle,N
atom in PAH has a high electron density due to the lone pair
electrons of –NH2 groups,and hence Pt can withdraw
electrons from the neighboring N atoms in PAH.This effect
would result in a shifting of the binding energy.Furthermore,
this electron donation from the N to Pt induces an decrease in
5d vacancies in Pt,therefore decreases 2π electron donation
from O2 to the Pt atom,and results in weaken O2 adsorption51
(i.e.,the high percentage of Pt0 species).In addition,the
predominant Pd0 3d5/2 and Pd0 3d3/2 peaks are clearly observed
in the Pd 3d region (Figure 4B),indicating the PdII precursors
are also completely reduced in our synthesis.
英语翻译The Pt 4f signal of the Pt–Pd ANFs is deconvolutedinto t
Pt–PD ANFs Pt的4f信号分解成两个部分.两对双打的结合能分布在PT 4F7 / 2(71.36 eV),PT 4F5 / 2(74.68 eV)和PT 4F7 / 2(72.90 eV),PT 4F5 / 2(76.35 eV),其中分配PT0和PTII物种,分别为(图4).通过相对46-48峰面积根据曲线拟合,发现在Pt–PD ANFs PT0物种的百分比是92%,这是比商业铂黑高得多(79.2%).此外,据观察,结合能值的PT0物种在Pt–PD anfsnegatively移约0.40 eV的相比,商业铂黑,这主要源于PAH和Pt atoms.49之间的相互关系,50个原则,氮原子在PAH的–NH2基团的孤对电子的电子密度高,因此,PT可以从邻近的N原子在PAH drawelectrons.这种现象导致的结合能移位.此外,该电子捐赠从N铂诱导的减少in5d空位Pt,因此降低了2π电子donationfrom O2在Pt原子,导致削弱O2 adsorption51(即,PT0物种的高百分比).此外,优势PD0铟3d5 / 2和PD0 3D3 / 2峰清楚地观察到PD三维区域(图4B),表明PDII precursorsare也完全降低在我们的合成
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