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where和 wethear的用法是什么
解题思路: 见解答过程
where 的用法
1. where用作疑问副词, 在(往、从)哪里, 在什么地方:
Where are you? 你在哪儿?
Where did you get the computer (form)? 你从哪儿弄到这台电脑的?
Where did you study medicine? 你从哪儿学的医?
2. where用作连接副词, 引导下列从句:
Where bees are, there is honey. 〔状语从句〕哪儿有蜜蜂哪儿就有蜜。
I’m going to do what I like and go where I like. 〔状语从句〕我要做我想做的事,去我想去的地方。
I wonder where she lives. 〔宾语从句〕我想知道她住在哪里。
It’s really no business of yours where I spend my summer. 〔主语从句〕
I really have no idea where she has gone.〔同位语从句〕我真不知道她去哪儿了。
The problem is where we should put the vase. 〔表语从句〕问题是我们把花瓶放在哪里呢。
3. where用作关系副词,引导定语从句:
England is one of the few countries where (=in which) people drive on the left. 英国是少数沿左侧开车的国家之一。
We then moved to Paris, where we lived for six years. 我们后来搬到巴黎,在那里住了六年。
4. where用于引申意义:
Where will all this trouble lead? ( =What result will it have? ) 这件麻烦的事会惹出什么结果?
The crisis has reached a point where the receiver will have to be called in.危机已经到达非把破产管理人叫来不可的地步。
Where others are weak, he is strong. 别人的弱点正是他的优势。
Where the money is, there’s the power. 有钱就有势。
Can you succeed where others failed? 别人干砸的事情, 你能干成吗?
5. where引导名词性从句,相当于the place (point)where:
A bird had settled on a tree close to where I was standing. 鸟儿栖息在离我站的地方很近的一棵树上。
That’s where the battle took place. 那儿就是那场战役发生的地方。
The car is where you parked it. 车子还在你停放的地方。
That’s where we differ. 这就是我们的分歧所在。
That’s just where we basically disagree with him. 这就是我们同他的根本分歧点。
This is where we help each other. 我们就在这方面互相帮助。
That’s where you are wrong. 你错就错在这儿。
掌握whether的用法, 经常要同时注意whether和if的用法区别

1.whether和if都能引导宾语从句,常置于see,ask,learn,tell,wonder,doubt,find out等动词之后。
如:He asked me whether/is I could help him. I want to know whether/if he lives there.
2.whether和if都可用it作形式主语从句中。如: it's uncertain whether/if he'll come this evening.
3.在be uncertain/doubtful之后,常用whether引导宾语从句,有时也可以用if,如: We are uncertain whether/if Mary will come.
1.whether可置于句首引导主语从句,而if不能。如: ___the 2000 Olympic Games will be in Beijing is not known yet. A.whether B.If C.Whether D.That 答案是C。
2.whether可用在介词之后,引导宾语从句,而If则不能。如: Success depends on whether we make evough effort.
3.whether可引导表语从句,if则不能。如: The question is whether it is not worth doing.
4.在名词之后引导同位语从句时,用whether而不用if。如: The question whether the students answered correctly should be decided by the teacher.
5.whether后可接不定式,而if不能。如: Please tell us whether to go or stay here.
6.在有些动词(如discuss)之后,只能用whether,而不用if引导宾语从句。如: We discussed whether we should close the shop.
7.在引导否定概念in宾语从句时,只能用if,而不用whether.如:he asked me if I hadn't finished my work.
I don`t know whether he will go.可以