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英语翻译Some of the most revealing answers,it turns out ,come fr

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 21:28:33
Some of the most revealing answers,it turns out ,come from the couples who stay together.While conventional wisdom holds that conflicts in a relationship slowly erode the bonds that hold partners together,couples who are happy in the long term turn out to have plenty of conflicts,too .Fights and disagreements are apparently intrinsic to all relationship--couples who stay together over the long haul are those who don't let the fighting contaminate the other parts of the relationship,experts say.
"why do people get married in the first place?" asked Thomas Bradbury,a professor of psychology at the university of California of Los Angeles."to have someone to listen--to have a friend ,to share life's ups and downs .We want to try to draw attention to what's valuable in their relationship."
Researchers are finding that it is those other parts of relationships--the positive factors--that are potent predictors of whether couples feel committed to relationships,and whether they weather storms and stick together.as long as those factors are intact,conflictts don't drive people apart.
"What we've discovered is surprising and contrary to what most people think,"said gottman,the author of The Mathematics of Marriage."Most books say it's important for couples to fight fair--but69 percent of all marital conflicts never get resolved because they are about personality differences between couples.What's critical is not whether they resolve conflicts but whether they can cope with them."
英语翻译Some of the most revealing answers,it turns out ,come fr
最揭示一些答案,事实证明,来自夫妇谁在一起.虽然传统的观点认为,在一个关系的冲突慢慢侵蚀债券持有合作伙伴一起,夫妻谁是在长期愉快变成有很多冲突,太.战斗和分歧是明显的内在所有关系 - 夫妇谁留在长途在一起是那些谁也不让战斗污染的关系的其他部分,专家说.
“为什么有些人结婚摆在首位?”问托马斯白普理的心理学在洛杉矶加州大学教授,“让别人听 - 有个朋友,分享人生的酸甜苦辣,我们想尝试提请注意什么有价值的关系“
研究人员发现,这是关系的其他部分 - 积极因素 - 这是夫妻是否感到致力于关系,以及它们是否暴风雨天气,坚持together.as只要这些因素都完好无损,conflictts唐“强有力的预测吨开车的人分开.
“我们已经发现令人吃惊,违背大多数人认为,”高特曼说,对婚姻的数学作者. “大多数书说这是非常重要的夫妇争取公平 - but69所有没有得到解决婚姻冲突%,因为他们对情侣之间的个性差异是什么的关键不在于他们解决冲突,但他们是否能应付他们.”