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求如何做好学生 英语作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 04:38:30
求如何做好学生 英语作文
求如何做好学生 英语作文
To become a good student, you need to get motivated! Motivation can come from seeing the situation of many poor children around the world who are not lucky enough to get a proper education. Keep that in mind when you don't want to attend class or study at home. Another reason to get motivated to study is that you will enjoy a better quality of life as an educated person. You can go to educational websites, like this, and surf them with interest. You must not force yourself to study, for this will make learning a chore and you'll not feel like even opening your books. You will have many academically good students in your courses. Try becoming friends with them (or encourage your current friends to be better students), and you'll be immersed in an academic environment which will help you feel motivated!
Concentration follows eagerness. This section provides you with the basics of "Concentration" and also provides you with advice as to how to get aroused with concentration.
You need to pay attention in class. Don't start chatting with your peers/friends when the teacher turns their back to you. Even better; don't associate with distracting people. You should realize that the people in your class play an important role in how everybody progresses. However, if you are a good student you will do better and achieve your goals. Your friends will be there for you at that time, if they are trustful and of a good reputation. At home, study and do your homework in a place that doesn't make you sleep. It is advisable to have a dedicated study table or desk. Don't do your study work on the bed or in front of the t.v/radio/stereo etc. That would be pointless because you are meant to be thinking about your studies.
If you feel distracted, take a short break of 15 minutes or less, maybe try to read an unrelated story book. But don't start sticking to the book if the time limit is over. Book mark the page and then you can read it later on. You should also have a daily routine/timetable to guide you, but you must follow it through. Don't have regular fights at school; this will move your attention to fighting rather than listening to what your teacher says! Believe me, these are all important guidelines. Remember, study well now, and you can have fun after you achieve your goal - guaranteed!
One of the main things that decides a person's or child's future is their behavior. Learning textbooks and achieving 100% is not enough. People should think that you are the only all-rounder that has good manners. Obey your elders, don't bully your classmates at school. Remember, try imagining yourself in the other person's situation, and you'll know how much you hurt them with your actions. Say hello to your teachers and schoolmates when you see them, people will appreciate your friendliness and be friendly in return.
Above all, try helping your friends in any situation and you'll be remembered as one of the best friends at school! Don't just do it for a good reputation, but for a good future and for yourself. You should also know that words from your mouth are enough to break relationships (or worse) so don't utter foul, discouraging, or insulting words.
Don't take this as a lecture, but as a guideline! Behaviour should be first and then comes academics. Even if you aren't good at school, you'll be famous for your behaviour, and good friends are truly worth more than gold.
This is one of the many questions that children ask their teachers, "Ma'am, I can't study!". Let's ponder on these things : Are you devoted to studying? Are you just studying for your parents? Are you just cheating in exams for getting good grades and marks? The list goes on.
First of all, as mentioned above, study somewhere that has a basic study table. Don't study or read in dim light. If you become bored on learning one subject, study something else that interests you a lot. You must always find alternatives as you go!
We all know the saying,"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Yes, studying all night and not playing just stresses you on work and you'll forget everything the next morning. Play out for about 2 hours or so. It will be pleasant if you go out to play around in the evening, say 5 pm in the evening. This energizes you and gives you extra strength for everything you do.
Make a timetable. And that is all what this section is about. Arrange a time-table with the subjects that are tough for you in the first column. Then put a break column after every 2 subjects so you don't get strained. Of all, try getting a good sleep. Children are supposed to get 8 - 10 hours sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, that will result in sleepy studying and nothing will get inside your head.
Study on each subject for about 1 hour. You'll get refreshed. Also have a snack in between.
Apart from improving yourself, try spreading your skills among others. This is the section that provides you with all the things necessary in sharing your skills. Co-operation is helping each other out so everyone benefits, it's the opposite of competing, where everyone wants to win for themselves. Most learning is done with the help of others, so learning to cooperate is a valuable skill for anyone. Study partners are a wonderful tool. They save time and they help reinforce what you have learned. Divide a reading assignment in half. Study your section using any and all notetaking strategies you have(ie: venn diagrams, outlines, notecards, coloured highlighters etc) When you both have an understanding of your readings, take turns 'teaching/explaining' it to the other person. As you adjust your explanation to your partner, you will reinforce the concept for yourself. It works because as you think about how to explain the topic, you must understand it first!
Above all, you need confidence! For that, we need to feel that we are working for ourselves and not for others! Good luck!