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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/09 16:30:32
2.These wild flowers are so special that i would do___i can to save them.
A.whatever B.that C.which D.whichever
3.After____seemed like two hours to us,we arrived there at last.
A.it B.what C.that D.there
4.One of the men held the view ___ the manager in charge of the company said was right.
a.that what b.what what c.that d.what
5.___is no possibility ___Bob can win the first prize in the match.
a.there,that b.it,that c.there,whether d.if,whether
6.___was once regarded as impossible is very common today.
a.that b.what c.which d.who
7.That is ___English is a language with so many confusing rules.
a.why b.which c.what d.that
8.l wondered ___she went missing.
a.that b.when c.what d.where
9.Don’t you know that he always succeeds on the weather.
a.whatever b.no matter what c.which d.what
10.____we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.
a.if b.whether c.that d.which
11.Take ___ book you like and leave the rest for ___comes late.
a.any,who b.every,whoever c.whichever,whoever d.whoever,who
12.The town has been changed greatly. It’s no longer ___it used to be.
a.that b.what c.which d.where
13.Was it ___ she said or something that she did ____you were angry at so much?
a.what,that b.that,which c.that,what d.what,which
14.It is not yet pretty well understood ___made the rainforest disappear year by year.
a.what b.which c.that d.how
15._____ I was free that evening.
a.It happened to b.It happened that c.That happened d.It was happened
16.Someone is knocking at the door.Go and see______.
a.who is he b.who he is c.who is it d.who it is
17.I know nothing about the young lady _____she is from Beijing.
a.except b.except for c.except that d.besides
18.We cannot figure out ____quite a number of insects,birds and animals are dying out.
a.that b.as c.why d.when
19.A modern city has benn set up in ___ was a wasteland ten years ago.
a.what b.which c.that d.as
20.Information has been put forward _____ more middle school graduates will be admitted into uninersities.
a.while b.that c.which d.as
21.Human beings are different from animals _____they can use languages as a toll to communicate.
a.in that b.for that c.in which d.for which
22.”Don’t you believe me?” “______,I will believe _____ you say.”
a.No,whatever b.Yes,no matter what c.No,no matter what d.Yes,whatever
23._____made the matter worse _____it began to rain.
a.It,that b.what,that c.which,/ d.which,that
24.______we’ll go outing depands on ____it is fine tomorrow.
a.whether,if b.whether,whether c.if,if d.if,whether
25.”I rang you at about nice o’clock,but there was no reply.”
“Oh,that was probably _____I was seeing the doctor.”
a.why b.when c.what d.that