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英语翻译one day,When I was about 10 years old,I was walking down

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 20:14:54
one day,When I was about 10 years old,I was walking down the street with my mother.She stopped to speak to Mr.Lee.I was busy trying to bulls-eye the stop sign with a rock.I knew I could see Mr.Lee any time around the neighborhood,so I didn't pay any attention to him.After we passed Mr.Lee my mother stopped me and said something that has stuck with me from that day until now.She said,"You let that be the last time you ever walk by somebody and not open up your mouth to speak,because even a dog can wag its tail when it passes you on the street." That phrase sounds simple but it's been a guidepost for me and the foundation of who I am.Even then,I started to see that when I spoke to someone,they spoke back.And that felt goodit's become a way of life.I believe that every person deserves to feel someone acknowledge their presence,no matter how humble they may be or even how importantnow I've become vice president but that hasn't changed the way I approach people.I still follow my mother's advice.I speak to everyone I see,no matter where I am.I've learned that speaking to people creates a pathway into their world,and it lets them come into mine,too.The day you speak to someone that has their head held down and when they lift it up and smile,you realize how powerful it is just to open your mouth and say,"Hello."
英语翻译one day,When I was about 10 years old,I was walking down
有一天,那年我大约是十岁,我和妈妈一起走在街上,她停了下来和李先生说话,而我正忙着瞄准用石子打击路边的站牌 ,我很清楚地知道,在我们的住宅小区内早晚都能见到李先生,所以我就没当他是怎么一回事,和李先生分手后,妈妈让我站着,说了一番刻骨铭心话,从那时起到现在我都无法忘怀.她是这样说的:“你要让这一次作为你最后一次在路上遇上人不开口说话的了,连街上的小狗在你旁边走过来都会摇摇尾巴表示一下.”这话听起来很简明扼要.后来成了我的座右铭和我是什么人的底线.从那时起,我开始明白当我对别人说话时,人家同时在回应我,这种感觉好极了,这也就成为了一种生活方式,我相信每个人都应该有自己的存在被人认可的感觉,不管这人是卑微的还是怎样了不起的.现在我身为副总统,我亲近民众的做法一点也未有改变,我依旧遵循母亲的教诲.无论我在那里,每逢见到人我都向他问候,我现在懂得,对人说话就能开辟一条通往他的内心世界的幽径,同时也把别人引入自己的内心深处.有一天你对一个垂头丧气的人说话,在他抬起头来对着你微笑的时候,你就能体会到仅仅开口说了一声“你好”会有多大的威力.