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英语翻译那些年我眼前总是街灯,  匆匆的我打它身边飞过.  奇妙的将它们连在一起,  犹如时空穿梭时的倩影.  那街灯发

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 13:25:14
梦睡了 宽敞明亮的路上 街灯灭了一盏 街灯中的惨苦是燃料结束后的惨悲 它在可以生存的时候多么渴望自己更亮一些 照的更远一些 可惜命运 结束了它 结束了它卑微的旅行 短小且透明 它知道人们已经不需要它 它知道自己已经没有了价值 没有了能力
它只能渴望老天再给它生命 只能渴望再为人们照亮一小会儿 哪怕只有一分钟 哪怕只有那么一秒 也可以为归家的老人送行 也可以为孩童在有光的地方读书 它对生命的执着依旧顽强 它仍然希望自己不是昙花一现
街灯在哭泣 它知道 它已经失去了光泽 它知道自己已无法挽回逝去的时光 在有过的日子里 它很开心 它很快乐 因为它知道有人懂它的温存 它的意义 它走了 留下了很多 有人说它没用了 站在那里只会浪费空间 有人说 他还是有毅力的 即使到熄灭的那一刻 它依然很快乐
更换的工人一步一步的走近了它 伴随着工人的身后 是一个一个的百姓 大家在议论着 “这灯已经不亮了 耽误大家走路不好 赶快取下 丢掉” 可只有几个人在称赞它“人生自古谁无死 留取丹心照汗青” 它虽然熄灭了 但曾经的光亮 曾经的欢声笑语 却永远的存在了几个人的心中 被它照过路的老人想起来了自己路过此地时险些跌倒的场景 在它下面读书的孩子 也依旧记得它曾经的光辉 它走了
伴随着啪啪的落地声 街灯碎了 它离开了 开心的离开了 离开了这美丽的街道 离开了这繁华的人间 没有带走一点的恨 因为这是它的职责 梦醒了.
英语翻译那些年我眼前总是街灯,  匆匆的我打它身边飞过.  奇妙的将它们连在一起,  犹如时空穿梭时的倩影.  那街灯发
In those years, my eyes always streetlights,
I hurried to him over.
Wonderful to bind them together,
Like the space shuttle when shadows.
The street lamps shone the dimmed lights,
The haze can be riotous with colour dye,
Illuminate a child the way home.
I is it devoted viewers,
Do not bend but also go with head high and chest out.
It always where still,
Despite the mixed expose to wind and rain.
It used to enjoy the solitude, also used to be forgotten, ignored.
It's like no one midnight, no harm.
It witnessed the world beautiful, also witnessed the well-being of the people.
So what, no one is listening.
If that day a dangerous situation, it can still stands,
And you already decamp.
Dream sleep street road spacious bright out a street lamp in the tough fuelafter the end of the sad sad when can live how eager to own more brightlyas more pity fate end it ended its humble trip short and clear it know peopledon't need it and it knows already no value without ability
It can only be longing for God give it life can only aspire to illuminate peoplea little if only for a minute. Even if only a second to return the old man offcan also be flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum for children in the light of the local reading it dedication of life are still tenaciously it still hopes he is not
The street lights in cry it knows it has lost its luster that he has been unable to restore the lost time in a day it was happy it was happy because he knew that the people understand the significance of its kind it away to leave a lot of people say it is useless stood only a waste of space people say he is stillperseverance even out at the moment it is still very happy
Replacement workers step by step approached it with the workers behind is one of the people you talk with "the lamp is not bright quickly changed itdelay us walking is not good to take away" may be only a few people inpraise of it "All men are mortal. to retain loyalty according to history"although it out but once bright once the laughter has always existed for several people's heart is it as old passerby remembered his pass by herealmost fell the scene below it reading children still remember it once brilliantit away
With the flap landing sound lamps broken it leave happy left this beautifulstreet left the bustling world did not take a little hate because it is its duty to wake up.