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英语翻译12TERM OF AGREEMENTThe term of this Agreement begins on

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 21:27:35
The term of this Agreement begins on the date the last party signs it and expires after one (1) year,unless it is terminated earlier as provided in this Agreement.At the expiration of this Agreement,the parties may negotiate a renewal or extension of the term by giving a written notice to the other party within 30 days before the expiration of the Agreement.
13.1The Buyer will be entitled to cancel the order in respect of all or part only of the Goods by giving notice to the Supplier at any time and for any reason prior to delivery in which event the Buyer's sole liability will be to pay the Supplier the price of the Goods in respect of which the Buyer has exercised its right of cancellation,less the net saving of costs arising to the Supplier from cancellation.
13.2This agreement may be terminated by either party for any material breach of the obligations set out in this agreement,by giving 30 days' notice to the other of its intention to terminate.The notice will include a detailed statement describing the nature of the breach.If the breach is capable of being remedied and is remedied within the 30 day notice period,then the termination will not take effect.If the breach is of a nature such that it can be fully remedied but not within the 30 day notice period,then termination will also not be effective if the party involved begins to remedy the breach within that period,and then continues diligently to remedy the breach until it is remedied fully.If the breach is incapable of remedy,then the termination will take effect at the end of the 30 day notice period in any event.
13.3The agreement may be terminated by either party immediately on giving notice to the other if the other party becomes bankrupt or insolvent,or has a receiver or administrative receiver appointed over it or over any part of its undertaking or assets,or passes a resolution for winding-up (otherwise than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction),or if a court of competent jurisdiction makes an order to that effect,or if the other party becomes subject to an administration order or enters into any voluntary arrangement with its creditors or ceases or threatens to cease to carry on business.
英语翻译12TERM OF AGREEMENTThe term of this Agreement begins on
12 协议条款
13 终止
13.1 买方有权在任何时候通过通告供应商来取消所有订购或者部分商品的订购,在交货前任何原因引起取消,买方的义务就是支付因为行使取消订购权利所引起的费用,减少取消订购给供应商增加的成本.
13.2 协议双方可以在协议规定的义务遭到破坏时通过30天的通告对方有终止的意向来终止协议.通告必须包括对破坏协议的具体细节的描述,如果能够补救或者30天通告期内补救,那么协议终止无效.如果协议破坏本质上是可以补救的,但是不能在30天内补救,那么如果协议一方在这一时期开始补救,协议终止仍然无效.之后就全力以赴补救这个破坏直到全部完成.如果破坏是不能被补救的,那么通告期结束时无条件终止协议.
13.3 如果对方公司倒闭或者破产,或其公司以及单位和资产被收购或接管,或决议停止营业,或具有法律权限的法院判决停业,或如果对方成为受政府命令或进入任何一个自愿安排或与其债权人终止或威胁终止经营业务,协议另一方可以马上通告对方来终止协议.