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The Whispers Orchestra 简介

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 06:34:31
The Whispers Orchestra 简介
The debut of T.W.O.featuring guest artists The Whispers,Phil Perry,Russell Thompkins JR.,Alyson Williams and Tracy Hazzard.
1 + 7 = T.W.
But to The Whispers they are so much more than eight individuals that play in our band.They have,quite literally,become extensions of us.To call them just friends somehow seems so inadequate and a gross understatement.They are eight extraordinarily gifted musicians,whom over the years,The Whispers have been blessed to share the recording studio,the stage,our hopes,dreams,blessing and sins with.It’s impossible to imagine performing or life without them.To those of you that listen to music with not only your ears,but also your hearts you are in for a sonic feast,an exquisite musical diet of love,peace and happiness,laced with enough ear candy to last you a life time.So with no further ado,Let The Whispers introduce to you,the musical debut of T.W.O,a CD much too long overdue…….To Grady,Emilio,Percy,Sweet,Valentino,Jamie,Reggie and Dante!
May GOD continue to bless your lives as much as you have blessed ours!
The Whispers Orchestra 简介
T.W.O.的首张专辑,其特色是其中有特邀艺人The Whispers、Phil Perry、Russell Thompkins JR.、Alyson Williams及Tracy Hazzard参与献艺.
1 + 7 = T.W.
然而,The Whispers可不只是为我们乐队演奏的八个人而已;他们实质上已经成为我们延伸的一部份.将他们称作朋友总觉得表达不足,而且有点太轻描淡写了.The Whispers是八位才华洋溢的音乐师,多年来一直和我们一起分享录音室、舞台、我们的希望、梦想、幸福与罪过.无法想象没有他们参与的演出或生活将会怎样.对于那些不只用耳朵,还用心去欣赏的听众,将会享受到一场音响盛筵;一份有爱、和平与幸福的优美音乐餐,不只绕梁三日而是持续一生.因此闲言少叙,就让The Whispers 向你们介绍T.W.O.的首场音乐呈献,一张早该出现却姗姗来迟的CD………….对于Grady、Emilio、Percy、Sweet、Valentino、Jamie、Reggie 和Dante,愿上帝继续保佑你们犹如你们给我们的生活赐福一样.