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完形填空。英语、Do you often have after-school activities.My daughte

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/21 13:53:35
Do you often have after-school activities.
My daughters()My () girls have swimming lessons on Mondays.They () swimming when they were very young,() I thought swimming was easy for().They can mow swim () and they enjoy it a lot.() Tuesdays and Wednesdays they have () lessons.Both of them like dancing.My elder () is now a member of the school dancing team.She was so () when she joined it.They are () on Thursday afternoons,and they can have their favorite() lessons.They like the piano lessons very much.They are free on ()too,so we can enjoy a () family time for two days and my girls can do () they like.
A is Bare Cdoes Ddo
Atwo Bthree Cfour Dfive
Akept Bstarted Cstopped Dfinished
Abecause Bhowever Cif Dbut
Amen Bwoman Cchildren Dboys
Astill Bkind Cwell Dslowly
Aat B for Cto Don
Adance Bchess Cenglish Dbasketball
Ason Bdaughter Ccousin Dsister
Ahelpful Bshy Cexciting Dexcited
Abad Bfree Cbusy Dsunny
Asinging Bdrums Cpiano Dviolin
Athe evening Bthe morning Cweekdays Dweekends
Aboring Bhungry Cunhappy Dhappy
Ahomework Bhousework Canything Dnothing
完形填空。英语、Do you often have after-school activities.My daughte