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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 06:21:54
《生活在别处》(La vie est ailleurs)
(捷克)米兰.昆德拉(Milan Kundera)
Milan Kundera was born on April 1st 1929 in Brno,Czechoslovakia.He wrote his first poems during his high school years.After World War II he worked as a jazz musician before going to college.He studied music,film and literature at university in Prague.He moved on to become a professor at the film faculty of the Prague Academy of Performing Arts.He also published poems,essays and stage plays.In the same period of time he joined the editorial staff at the literature magazines "Literarni noviny" and "Listy".Kundera joined the Communist Party in 1948,as many other Czech intellectuals did at that time.In 1950 he got expelled from the Party because of "individualistic tendencies".After graduation in 1952 he was appointed lecturer in world literature at the Film Academy.He joined the Communist Party once again and stayed on from 1956 to 1970.In 1953 he published his first book of poems.Kundera got known after collections of poems through his three volumes "Laughable Loves",written and published between 1958 and 1968.In his first novel,"The Joke" from 1967,he dealt with Stalinism.After the Sovjet invasion in the spring of 1968 Kundera lost his permission to teach and his books were removed from all public libraries in the country.Kundera moved to France and became a guest professor at the University of Rennes in 1975.In 1979 he was deprived of his Czechoslovakian citizenship by the government as a reaction to his "Book of Laughter and Forgetting".The following novels were not allowed to be published in Czechoslovakia.Since 1981 he is a French citizen.During his years in France he has also written material in French.He resides in Paris with his wife,Vera Hrabankova.
《生活在别处》是一个年轻艺术家的肖像画.昆德拉以其独到的笔触塑造出雅罗米尔这样一个形象,描绘了这个年轻诗人充满激情而又短暂的一生,具有“发展小说”的许多特点.就其题材而言,表现一个艺术家(或知识分子)是本世纪文学的一个重要领域,因为展示我们这个复杂的时代也只有复杂的人物才能承担.在这部作品中,作者对诗人创作过程的分析是微妙而精细的.创作过程当然不仅指下笔写作的过程,而且更广义地指一个诗人的全部成长过程.用作者自己的话说,这部小说是“对我所称之为抒情态度的一个分析.”正是在这样的创作意图下,这部书最初曾被题名为《抒情时代》.作者所要表现和所要探究的是,人的心灵所具有的激情,它的产生和它的结果.因而这本书又是一本现代心理小说,表现了一个诗人的艺术感觉的成长.书中每一章 节的名称都展示了诗人生命历程的一个阶段.他的童年、少年和青年时代,他怎样读书,怎样恋爱,以及怎样做梦等等.关于时代的全貌和他人的活动都迟到了远处,一切观察的焦点都集中在主人公身上,并且与他的内心活动有关.有如激情的涧水,在时间的乱山碎石中流过,两岸的景致并不重要,重要的是溪流将流向沃野还是沙漠.换句话说,作者在这里所关心的是诗人心理和精神上的发育.为了潜入到人物意识中最隐秘的角落,作者采用了一种我们可以称之为客观意识流的叙述方式:时间与空间交织(不同时期不同地点所发生的事常常出现在同一段叙述中),现实与梦幻交织(第二章 《泽维尔》完全是一个梦套一个梦),情节的跳宏,思考的猝然与不连贯,故意模糊主语的陈述,这些都使此书更接近于诗歌而不是小说.假如我们把书中这些抒情性的因素去掉,这部作品的内容就剩不下什么了.这种形式使我们更能切近诗人的内心活动,感触到诗人的激情是怎样产生和燃烧的.