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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 08:19:41
我明天就要考英语第一单元了,我的书是译林版的,请老师告诉我,我必须掌握哪些知识 点 ,怎样才能拿高分呢?
解题思路: 如下
Unit1 School life I 重点短语
1. know know of: 知道有,听说过……
know about: 知道……的情况,了解,知道
prepare …:准备……
2. prepare prepare for …:为……作准备
prepare sb. for / to do ….:使某人为……做好准备
in the end: 最后,= at last, finally
3. end to the end: ……到最后
by the end of…: 到……底为止
at the end of: 1) 在……结束的时候 2)在……的末尾处
used to do sth: (过去)常常/ 习惯做某事
4. use be used to (doing) sth.: 习惯于做某事
be used to do sth: 被用来做……
[U] for / in fun:闹着玩儿地; make fun of sb.:取笑、拿某人开玩笑
5. fun adj. 有趣的、愉快的;
adj. funny
n. 轻松、自在:do sth. with ease: 轻松地、不费力地做……
6. ease be at ease with sb. :与某人一起感到自在
vt. 解除……: ease sth.
使某人减轻……: ease sb. of sth.
n.[U] 经验, [C](具体的)体验,经历
7. experience vt. 经历
8. teach:教(书)、教授,后接双宾语:teach sb. sth. = teach sth to sb.
类似结构 buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.; give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.;
show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.; tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb.
made sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. ….
9. make sure + (that) ……
+ of sth.
sure的短语:be sure of / about:对……肯定、有把握; be sure to do:务必、一定要做……;
for sure:必定、一定,= surely
用于句首,作“虽然”解,引导让步状语从句,不与but / however连用,
10. though 但可与yet / still / and yet连用, = although
n. (一)滴、点,降落、下跌:a drop of water, drops of rain
11. drop vt. 掉/降下、戒掉(坏习惯)、跳过(学科、音)
drop by:顺便到(某处)以下;
drop的词组 drop in at:顺便拜访(某地),后接地名;
drop in on:顺便拜访(某人),后接人;
drop out (of):脱落、掉脱、退出……
n. (可数)少量的、小块的,常用a bit of…或bits of…。
12. bit adv. (时间、程度)稍微,后接形容词或副词。
a bit of a/an:颇有几分、有点儿
bit的词组 bit by bit:逐渐的、徐徐的
do one’s bit:尽某人之力/本分
13. forget forget to do: 忘记做某事(这件事没做)
forget doing sth.: 忘记做过的事。
remember to do sth.记得要做某事;remember doing sth.:记得做过某事
stop to do sth.:停下来去干某事; stop doing sth.:停止做某事(停下不做了)
mean to do sth.:打算做某事; mean doing sth.:意味着做某事
go on to do:接着做(另一件事);go on doing:继续做
try to do sth:尽力做…… ; try doing sth:尝试着做……
compare A to B: 把A比作B(用于比喻)
14. compare compare A with B: 把A和B相比(用于比较)
Compared to / with …, …..:与……相比,……
inform sb. of sth.:通知某人某事
15. inform be well informed:消息灵通;
keep sb. informed:随时向某人通报情况
inform oneself of sth.
require sb. to do sth.
16. require vt. require sth. of / from sb.
Sth. require / want / need doing / to be done.
require that…(should) do sth.
introduce sb.( to sb.)
introduce sth. into / to a place
17. introduce introduce sb. to sth.
make an introduction
n.:introduction make a self introduction
an introduction to sth.
a letter of introduction
develop / form the habit of
develop an interest (of)
18. develop vt. a developed country
a developing country
develop a roll of film
n. development
II 重点句型
1. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable …
2. It was difficult to remember all the faces and names.
3. The more…, the more…
4. Upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in China.