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英语翻译Four years rolled by and I was now five,and still as hel

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 06:31:20
Four years rolled by and I was now five,and still as helpless as a newly born baby.While my father was
out at bricklaying,earning the bread and butter for us ,Mother was slowly,Patiently pulling down the wall,
brick by brick,that seemed to stand between me and the other children,slowly,patiently penetrating beyond
the thick curtain that hung over my mind,separating it from theirs.It was hard,heartbreaking work,for often
all she got from me in return was a vague smile and perhaps a faint gurgle.I could not speak or even
mumble,nor could I sit up on my own without support,let alone walk.But I wasn't inert or motionless.I
seemed to be all movement,wild ,stiff,snakelike movement that never left me,except in sleep.My fingers
twisted and twitched continually,my arms moved backwards and would often shoot out suddenly this way and
that ,and my head fell sideways.I was a queer crooked little fellow.
英语翻译Four years rolled by and I was now five,and still as hel
四年过去了,我已经五岁了,但我还是像刚刚出生的婴儿那样,不能自立.父亲为了养家糊口,在外面当泥瓦工,砌砖垒墙.我和其他孩子之间似乎也有一堵墙,而母亲在慢慢地、耐心地、一块砖一块砖地,将这堵墙拆除;我的头脑和其他孩子的头脑之间似乎隔着一层厚厚的帷幕,而母亲在慢慢地、耐心地将那笼罩在头上的帷幕穿透.这件工作既艰巨,又让人心酸,因为 对她的回报往往只是个朦胧的微笑,或者是个微弱的咯咯的笑声.我不会说话,连咕哝几声都不会;没有东西支撑,我就坐不起来,更谈不上走路了.但我并不是没有活动的能力.除了整天睡觉之外,我好像老是在动,不停地做一些毫无规则的、僵硬的、像蛇一样扭来扭去的动作.我的手指不停地扭动、抽搐,胳膊向后缩,又伸了出来,不是往左,就是往右,头总是往一边耷拉着.我就是这样一个奇怪的歪歪扭扭的小家伙.