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英语翻译For clusters consisting of many small and midsize compan

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 12:21:55
For clusters consisting of many small and midsize companies - such as tourism,apparel,and agriculture-the need is particularly great for collective bodies to assume scale-sensitive functions.In the Netherlands,for instance,grower cooperatives built the specialized auction and handling facilities that constitute one of the Dutch flower cluster's greatest competitive advantages.The Dutch Flower Council and the Association of Dutch Flower Growers Research Groups,in which most growers participate,have taken on other functions as well,such as applied research and marketing.
Most existing trade associations are too narrow; they represent industries,not clusters.In addition,because their role is defined as lobbying the federal government,their scope is national rather than local.National associations,however,are rarely sufficient to address the local issues that are most important to cluster productivity.
By revealing how business and government together create the conditions that promote growth,clusters offer a constructive way to change the nature of the dialogue between the public and private sectors.With a better understanding of what fosters true competitiveness,executives can start asking government for the right things.The example of MassMEDIC,an association formed in I996 by the Massachusetts medical-devices cluster,illustrates this point.It recently worked successfully with the U.S.Food and Drug Administration to streamline the approval process for medical devices.Such a step clearly benefits cluster members and enhances competition at the same time.
What's Wrong with Industrial Policy
Productivity,not exports or natural resources,determines the prosperity of any state or nation.Recognizing this,governments should strive to create an environment that supports rising productivity.Sound macroeconomic policy is necessary but not sufficient.The microeconomic foundations for competition will ultimately determine productivity and competitiveness.
Governments - both national and local - have new roles to play.They must ensure the supply of high-quality inputs such as educated citizens and physical infrastructure.They must set the rules of competition-by protecting intellectual property and enforcing antitrust laws,for example-so that productivity and innovation will govern success in the economy.Finally,governments should promote cluster formation and upgrading and the buildup of public or quasi-public goods that have a significant impact on many linked businesses.
英语翻译For clusters consisting of many small and midsize compan
因为群有许多小的和中型的公司 - 像是观光事业,衣服和农业-需要特别地棒让集体的身体承担刻度-敏感的功能.在荷兰,举例来说,栽培者合作的建造被特殊化的拍卖和构成荷兰花之一群的最好的竞争利益的处理设备.荷兰的花会议和荷兰花栽培者研究团体的协会,在哪些大多数的栽培者叁加,已经也承担其他的功能,像是应用的研究和行销.
大多数的现有贸易协会太狭窄; 他们表现工业而不是群.除此之外,因为他们的角色当做游说联邦政府被定义,他们的范围是国家的并非地方.然而,国家的协会非充份向最重要聚集生产力的当地的议题发表演说.
藉由显示生意和政府如何一起产生促进生长的情况,群提供一个建设性的方法在公众的和私人的部门之间改变对话的性质.藉由什么养育真实的竞争力的较好的理解,主管能开始为正确的事物问政府.MassMEDIC 的例子,在我形成的协会 996 被麻萨诸塞州医生-装置群,举例说明这点.它最近成功地与美国食物药品管制局合作为医学的装置使赞成程序成流线型.如此的一个步骤清楚地利益同时聚集成员而且提高竞争.
政府 - 国民和地方 - 扮演新的角色.他们一定确定高质量的补给输入如此的如受过教育的市民和实际的系统内各部分.他们一定设定竞争的规则-藉由保护智力的财产而且运行反托拉斯的法律,举例来说-以便生产力和改革将会统治经济的成功.最后,政府应该促进群形成而且升级和民众的组织或者带给多数一种重要的冲击联编生意的类似-公众的货物.