作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 21:30:53
1 他在外面已经站了一个小时了(outside)
2 知道她妈妈回来她才睡觉(until)
3 那个商店就在我们学校旁边(next to)
4 明亮的月光透过窗户直射进来(through)
5 南方的天气不像北方那样冷(unlike)
6 在客人来之前应将房间收拾干净(before)
7 那只小狗喜欢绕着房屋跑(around)
8 穿过那条河,你就可以看到人民公园了(across)
9 鱼儿离不开水(without) 10 除了英语外,他还懂法语和日语(besides)
1 He's been standing outside for an hour 2 She didn't go to bed until her mother came baback. 3 The shop is next to our school. 4 The bright moonlight penetrates through the window. 5 Unlike the north, south is not so cold. 6 Clean the room before the guest arrives. 7 The little dog loves running around the house. 8 You can see the people park after you go across the river. 9 Fish can not live without water. 10 He knows French and Japanese besides English.