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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:25:57
五、把下列汉语译成英语 1 爸爸挥手向我告别,告诉我要好好照顾妈妈,。(wave,telling sb to do) 2 周三下午,我们举行了一个班会,讨论美化教室的方法。(hold, discussing) 3 Mike早早地来到梅兰芳大剧院,期待一场精彩的京剧演出。(come ,expecting) 4 很多同学站在布告栏前面,认真地阅读我们的倡议书。(stan,reading,attentively) 5 Mike坐在人力车上(rickshaw),开心地观赏沿途的文化古迹。(sit,appreciating, cultural) 6 为了迎接我的英国朋友Mike,我一大早就来到了机场(To do…) 7 为了美化教室,很多同学拿来了鲜花。(To beautify) 8 为了帮助西藏小学建图书馆,我们学校号召同学们为他们捐款。(To help sb do, call on sb to do) 9 为了帮助同学们提升自信,学校组织了一系列有意义的活动。(To help sb do ,variety) 10 为了呼吁大家节约粮食,同学们提出了很多办法,包括举办讲座和罚款。(call on sb to do , put forward, including, charge)
解题思路: 理解句子含义;分析句子结构;熟悉英语语法;了解词汇短语辨析;熟悉英汉翻译。
答疑如下 1.Father waved his hands to say goodbye,telling me to look after mother well. 2.On Wednesday afternoon,we held a classmeeting ,discussing how to beautify the room. 3. Mike came early to Meilangfang Grand Theatre expecting to watch a wonderful performance of Beijing Opera. 4. Many students stood before the bulletin board,reading our written proposal attentively. 5. Mike sat on the rickshaw,appreciating the cultural relics on the journey. 6. I came to the airport early to meet my British friend Mike. 7. Many students brought flowers to beautify the classroom. 8. To help a primary school of Tibet ,our school calls on students to contribute money to it. 9.The school organizes a variety of meaningful activities to help students to build up confidence. 10. To call on people to save grain,students put forward many ways ,including lectures and charge. 愿你满意