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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 20:36:50
1. January 26, 1700, Pacific North Coast of magnitude 9 SR 1700年1月26日,北太平洋海岸9简数量级
The only record of the largest earthquakes in North America dating from mouth to mouth history of Native American residents of the island near Vancouver who told tersapunya a large community in the bay Pachena by big waves.在北美最大的历史可以追溯到嘴对嘴美洲原住民的温哥华岛附近的居民,谁告诉tersapunya在大浪湾Pachena由一个庞大的社区历史地震的唯一记录. In the long-Pacific, the most accurate earthquake was recorded by a Japanese observer states that the State struck a large tsunami on 27 Jauniari 1700.从长远的太平洋,最准确的地震记录日本观察员国,该国1700年发生27 Jauniari大海啸.
2. 2. 1 November 1755, Lisbon Portugal, which magnitude 8, 7 SR 1755年11月1日,葡萄牙里斯本,其中8级,7简
The quake followed by tsunami and fire that nearly destroyed the entire Lisbon and killed hampis quarter of the city residents.其次,地震海啸和火灾,几乎摧毁了整个里斯本和杀害hampis城市的居民的四分之一. The quake was also felt to uatara region of Africa, France and Northern Italy.这次地震还认为对非洲,法国和意大利北部uatara地区.
3. 3. August 13, 1868, Arica, Peru (now part of Chile), measuring 9 SR 1868年8月13日,阿里卡,秘鲁(现为智利的一部分),尺寸为9简
Hawaii felt the valley pacific tsunami caused by the earthquake, but the damage is not as big in Arequipa in South America.夏威夷太平洋海啸感到山谷因地震造成的,但伤害并不如在南美阿雷基帕大. The city was destroyed and 25 thousand people were killed.这个城市被摧毁,25000人死亡. Earthquake felt down to La Paz, in Bolivia.感觉到地震到拉巴斯,玻利维亚. 16 meters-high tsunami hit the beach and threw a US-owned ship up to two miles to the mainland and mendaratkannya disebuah edge of a cliff as high as 60 meters. 16米高的海啸袭击的海滩和投掷了美国所拥有的船舶达两英里到一个高达60米的悬崖大陆和mendaratkannya disebuah优势.
4. 4. August 15, 1950, Assam, Tibet is a magnitude 8, 6 SR 1950年8月15日,阿萨姆邦,西藏是一个8级,6简
About 70 villages lost in a series of earthquake disaster dupicu epsentrum jars in Rima, Tibet. 70个村庄约迷失在地震灾害dupicu在玛,西藏epsentrum罐系列. But the greatest destruction occurred in the state of Assam, India.但最大的破坏发生在印度阿萨姆邦的状态. Throughout the region, landslides menwaskan 1526 people and caused some of the region can not be identified from the air.在整个地区,山体滑坡,造成menwaskan 1526人本区域一些不能从空中识别.
5. 5. January 13, 1906, Coastal Ecuador, a magnitude 8, 8 SR一九零六年一月十三日,厄瓜多尔海岸,8级,8个简 这个消息,厄瓜多尔沿岸,引发海啸的地震menwaskan 500-1500之间沿海岸的联合国Tenagh到旧金山,美国人民. In Hawaii, the river suddenly dries about 12 hours after the first quake and the water is rising again after a huge wave flooded the beach.在夏威夷,河水突然干涸后的第一个地震发生约12小时,水又增加了一个巨大的后浪淹没了海滩.
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