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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 15:31:36
1.大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,一律平等.所以人们对于大自然大全都一致并深深地依赖着.尤其是在乡间,上千年来人们一直以不变的方式生活着.种植庄稼和葡萄,酿酒和饮酒,喂牛和挤奶,锄草和栽花; 在周末去教堂祈祷和做礼拜,在节日到广场拉琴、跳舞和唱歌; 往日的田园依旧是今日温馨家园.这样,每个地方都有自己的传说,风俗也就衍传了下来.
4.The car and the television set and the growing volume of office work may well have produced the most literally sedentary population human society has ever known.But at the same time,diets stuffed with the proteins and calories needed for a lumber man or a professional boxer have become prevalent.Everywhere high meat consumption demands grain-fed animals.Meanwhile,what little grain we do eat through bread usually has little nutritional value and roughage,since these are removed when the flour is refined.
5.In his classic novel,“The Pioneers”,James Fenimore Cooper has his hero,a land developer,take his cousin on a tour of the city he is building.He describes the broad streets,rows of houses,a teeming metropolis.But his cousin looks around bewildered.All she sees is a forest.“Where are the beauties and improvements which you were to show me?” she asks.He’s astonished she can’t see them.“Where!Why everywhere,” he replies.For though they are not yet built on earth,he has built them in his mind,and they are as concrete to him as if they were already constructed and finished.
2.得病以前, 我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道,一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上的一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来.一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客云集,笑语四溢.我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界,一片繁华,自己的哥姐,堂表兄弟,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋.一霎时,一阵被人摈弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛苦起来.
4.The car and the television set and the growing volume of office work may well have produced the most literally sedentary population human society has ever known. But at the same time, diets stuffed with the proteins and calories needed for a lumber man or a professional boxer have become prevalent. Everywhere high meat consumption demands grain-fed animals. Meanwhile, what little grain we do eat through bread usually has little nutritional value and roughage, since these are removed when the flour is refined.