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英语翻译We,first,discuss the pre-entry and post-entry defensivem

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 15:35:05
We,first,discuss the pre-entry and post-entry defensivemarketing strategies,and,then,a number of offensive marketing strategies.2.0 Defensive StrategiesBecause of ongoing rivalry,established firms need to engage in defensive strategies to fend off the variouschallengers.The primary purpose of defensive strategy is to make a possible attack unattractive and discouragepotential challengers from attacking another firm.Incumbents try to shape the challenger’s expectations about theindustry’s profitability and convince them that the return on their investment will be so low that it does notwarrant making an investment in that industry.Defensive strategies work better when they take place before thechallenger makes an investment in the industry,or if they enter the industry before exit barriers are raised,makingit difficult for the challenger to leave the industry.For this reason,an incumbent needs to take timely action todiscourage a challenger from making any substantial commitment,because once the commitment is made,it ismore difficult to dissuade the challenger from following through with the attack especially if exit barriers arehigh.If an attack has already begun,a defending firm may attempt to lower its intensity and potential for harm,bydirecting the attack to areas where the firm is less vulnerable,or in areas which are less desirable to the attacker(Porter,1985).Or they should initiate actions designed to make the entrant’s life difficult after entry has occurred.This may convince the entrant that its calculations were too optimistic and its early experience in the industry isso negative that it does not warrant continuing the entry effort.
Over the years,marketing managers and business strategists have developed a number of defensive marketingstrategies to defend their position and maintain their sales and profitability.There are two types of defensivemarketing strategies.Pre-entry strategies are actions taken by incumbents before they are attacked by challengers.Defensive marketing strategies may also take the form of post-entry actions that are initiated after the challengerhas entered the market (see Table 1).2.1 Pre-Entry Defensive StrategiesPre-entry defensive strategies are actions taken by firms intended to persuade potential entrants to believe thatmarket entry would be difficult or unprofitable.Such actions include signaling,fortify and defend,covering allbases,continuous improvement,and capacity expansion.Table 1:Defensive Strategies2.11 SignalingCompanies often use signaling to announce their intention to take an action.Announcements can be made throughinterviews with the press,press releases,speeches,trade journals,newspapers,and other means.
英语翻译We,first,discuss the pre-entry and post-entry defensivem
We,first,discuss the pre-entry and post-entry defensivemarketing strategies,and,then,a number of offensive marketing strategies.2.0 Defensive StrategiesBecause of ongoing rivalry,established firms need to engage in defensive strategies to fend off the variouschallengers.The primary purpose of defensive strategy is to make a possible attack unattractive and discouragepotential challengers from attacking another firm.
2.0 防御性战略.因为持续的敌对竞争,已占据市场的公司需要用防守策略击退的各种挑战者.防守策略的主要目的是使另一家公司可能的攻击变得没有吸引力,并使潜在挑战者丧失发起攻击的勇气.
Incumbents try to shape the challenger’s expectations about theindustry’s profitability and convince them that the return on their investment will be so low that it does notwarrant making an investment in that industry.
Defensive strategies work better when they take place before the challenger makes an investment in the industry,or if they enter the industry before exit barriers are raised,making it difficult for the challenger to leave the industry.
For this reason,an incumbent needs to take timely action todiscourage a challenger from making any substantial commitment,because once the commitment is made,it ismore difficult to dissuade the challenger from following through with the attack especially if exit barriers arehigh.
If an attack has already begun,a defending firm may attempt to lower its intensity and potential for harm,bydirecting the attack to areas where the firm is less vulnerable,or in areas which are less desirable to the attacker(Porter,1985).
Or they should initiate actions designed to make the entrant’s life difficult after entry has occurred.
This may convince the entrant that its calculations were too optimistic and its early experience in the industry isso negative that it does not warrant continuing the entry effort.
Over the years,marketing managers and business strategists have developed a number of defensive marketingstrategies to defend their position and maintain their sales and profitability.
There are two types of defensivemarketing strategies.
Pre-entry strategies are actions taken by incumbents before they are attacked by challengers.
Defensive marketing strategies may also take the form of post-entry actions that are initiated after the challengerhas entered the market (see Table 1).
2.1 Pre-Entry Defensive StrategiesPre-entry defensive strategies are actions taken by firms intended to persuade potential entrants to believe thatmarket entry would be difficult or unprofitable.
2.1 进场前策略
Such actions include signaling,fortify and defend,covering all bases,continuous improvement,and capacity expansion.
Table 1:Defensive Strategies2.11 SignalingCompanies often use signaling to announce their intention to take an action.Announcements can be made throughinterviews with the press,press releases,speeches,trade journals,newspapers,and other means.
2.11 发送信号.企业经常使用发送信号的方式来公告他们采取行动的意图.公告可以以媒体采访、新闻发布、演讲、商业杂志、报纸及其他手段.