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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 13:29:45
that 与which 在相同的定语从句中,有时候都可以用,那它们有什么区别,有什么相同点?
解题思路: 如下

Most of the light(that/which)we get is from the sun.我们得到的大多数光来自太阳。

This is the museum(that/which)they visited last year.这就是他们去年参观过的博物馆。

2.关系代词that可以代表人,而 which不可代表人,只能代表物。例如:

The man who(that)made the discovery was a Chinese.发现这个东西的人是个中国人。

The worker that is talking with our headmaster is Mr Green.正在和我们校长谈话的那个工人是格林先生。


I have a brother who(that)is a scientist.我有个当科学家的哥哥。

The man(whom /that)we met just now was a computer engineer.我们刚才碰到的那个人是个电脑工程师。

The boy whose name was Thomas was selling newspaper on a train.那个名叫汤姆斯的孩子在火车上卖报。



All(that)we need is your help.我们所需要的是你的帮助。

There is somebody that wants to see you.有人要见你。

Is there anything that I can do for you in town?有什么事我可以代你在城里办吗?


This is the most wonderful exhibition(that)I've ever visited.这是我参观过的最好的展览。

This is the best film that I've seen.这是我看过的最好的一场电影。


This is the only picture(that)she has left me.这是她给我留下的唯一的一张照片。

You may take any book(that)you like.你可以拿走任何一本你喜欢的书。

(4)当定语从句所修饰的名词前有the early,the last或序数词时。例如:

The early bus that left here was at five o'clock in the morning.头班车早晨五点钟离开此地。

This is the first place that I visited last time.这是我上次首先参观的地方。



Bamboo stem is hollow,which makes them very light.竹杆是空心的,这使得它们非常轻。


He broke my window,which made me very angry.他打碎了我的窗户,这件事使我生气。

The earth is round,which we knownow.正如我们现在所知道的,地球是圆的。


There are many books on his desk,most of which are about scientific experiments.他桌上有许多书,这些书大都是关于科学实验的。