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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 14:17:29
中文部分:今年有两个亲戚家会诞生一个宝宝.一个会让我成为年长25岁的哥哥,一个会让我变成舅舅.说句实话我是很期待这个两个小家伙的诞生的.昨天在电梯上看到一个中年人带着一可爱的小朋友,中年人问:“我们好久没见了吧!”小朋友答“是的”.中年人又问:“那么久没见了想不想我.”小朋友果断的答:“不想”.全电梯哄笑了起来.我想如果以后我和亲戚家的小朋友有如此的对答,一定会成为美好的回忆的.英文部分:Two of my relative family will have a baby this year.One will let me be a 25 years older brother and onewill let me be an uncle.I very look forward to these two baby borning.YesterdayI tell an interesting conversation in the lift between a man and a little boy.Man:Long time no see,yeah!Boy:Yes!Man:So,do you miss me?Boy:No!(Answer without thinking!) And thelift full in laugh.I justthink it must be a good memory if a relative boy have a convarstion like this.
可改为:People from my relative families will give birth to babies this year.One baby will make me become the elder brother who is 25 years of age,and the other will make me become the uncle.To be honest/Honestly speaking/To tell the truth(说实话/说句实在话),I am looking forward to (that)these two little guys will be born very much.Yesterday,I saw one middle-aged person take with a cute kid/child,he/she asked the kid if they didn`t see/meet each other for a long time,and the kid answered"Yes".Then the middle-aged person asked if the kid missed him for so long once more/again(再),and the kid answered "No" decisively.And there was full of laughter from the crowd in the elevator/lift(电梯).I think if I have the same conversation between my relative`s kids and me like that,it will be the most beautiful memory..